
  1. 市场经济国家矿产勘查运行机制对我国战略性矿产勘查管理的启示

    Revelation about chinese strategical minerals geological survey from operation mechanism of market economy countries

  2. 加强战略性矿产勘查,提高矿产资源保证程度;矿产勘查的新战略

    Strengthening strategic minerals exploration and technological innovation ; NEW STRATEGY FOR EXPLORATION OF ORE RESOURCES

  3. 矿产资源调查评价项目是以金属、非金属矿产为主要勘查对象的战略性矿产勘查评价工作,是一项公益性地质工作。

    The mineral resources investigation and appraisal project is a job of strategic mineral exploration and appraisal with metallic and nonmetallic minerals as the chief exploration and appraisal targets .

  4. 战略性矿产勘查是近几年根据中国地勘管理体制的新变化和国家对矿产勘查工作的新要求提出的概念。

    The prospecting of strategic mineral resources is a concept proposed in recent years according to the new change in the management system of geology and mineral exploration and development of China and the new requirements of the country for mineral exploration work .

  5. 改革国家战略性矿产资源勘查投入机制;

    Reform investment mechanism of the strategic mineral resources exploration of state ;

  6. 本文简要介绍了1999年实施国土资源大调查以来,江西省在基础性、公益性地质调查和战略性地质矿产勘查工作中取得的主要新进展。

    This paper briefly introduces the main new progress in basic public welfare and strategic geological and mineral survey in Jiangxi province during the whole country survey in land and resource since 1999 .

  7. 目前,战略性矿产的公益性勘查工作严重萎缩,显然不能保障国民经济可持续发展的需要,不利于推动商业性矿产勘查的发展。

    At present , the public geological prospecting for strategical mineral resources is shrunken seriously , which will not safeguard the sustainable development of national economy and will be unfavorable to the development of commercial mineral resources exploration .