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shí wén
  • prescribed essay for the imperial civil service examinations, esp. the eight-part essay ;popular literary style
时文 [shí wén]
  • [eight-legged essay;essay prescribed for civil examination] 科举时代称应试的文章,特指八股文

  • 粗粗地记得几篇时文

  1. 经义是王安石变法以后宋代科举考试的主要文体,对后来时文文体的影响很大。

    After Wang Anshi carried out the political reform , the confucian-classics argumentation writing style became the major style in the imperial examination of the song dynasty .

  2. 日常交流,学术论文,时文选读,词汇推荐。

    It involves in daily communications , science papers , articles and vocabularies .

  3. 英汉对照软件专业时文选读&什么叫对象连接和嵌入?

    What is Object Linking and Embedding ?

  4. 她经常到菲律宾全国各地及其他国家演讲,出版的时文和科研论文也广受欢迎。

    She has lectured extensively in the Philippines and abroad and has published both popular articles and scientific papers .

  5. 当等强度设计不是最优设计时文中还建议了一个迭代寻优的数值解法。

    An iterative numerical method to find the optimal solution when the uniform strength design is not optimal is also presented in this paper .

  6. 先秦时文主要指文化典籍,两汉以后文演化为包含文采的文章。

    In pre-Qin Dynasty " Wen " mainly refers to classical works , After Two-Han Dynasties , " Wen " evolves the article including literary grace .

  7. 由于宋代经济发达,人口增加,考生人数亦随之上涨,对于时文的需求因而节节升高。

    Due to economic development and demographic growth , the population of students also increases , the demand for examination essays and other study aids as well rises .

  8. 英语时文选读课具有材料选取面宽、内容新、综合性强、实用等特点。

    The course of Selected Readings on Current Affairs is characterized by a broad range of resource materials , fresh content , comprehensive training , and capability of practical use .

  9. 唐代古文家对科举考试中的时文多有批评,但实际上古文家与科举考试有着相违与相依的双重关系。

    In Tang dynasty , the ancient Chinese writers often criticize the practical essays in the Imperial examination , but there are double relation between the writers and the Imperial examination .

  10. 在语文教学中开展扩展性阅读,就是引导学生诵古文,读经典,读时文,通过诵读培养他们的语言感受能力和文学素养。

    We carry out the extensive reading in the Chinese teaching , so that we can help the students chant ancient Chinese prose , read classics and enjoy the modern articles .

  11. 本书所选文章为最新英语时文,内容涵盖国际时事、济文化、会生活、学技术、学艺术、云人物等各个方面。

    The articles in this book all use the latest English language , covering fields like international news , economy & culture , social life , science and technology , literature and art , and man of the time .

  12. 即在文体互渗的情况下,金圣叹将传统之史传、古文、时文理论,运用到小说、戏曲批评当中,取得了巨大的成功。

    Under the circumstances of article and style being infiltrated each other , Jin manage the theory of traditional biography of history , ancient prose , occasional article in his literature comment of novels and opera and make a great success .

  13. 这一叙事观念以中国历史文化为背景,远袭中国历史叙事传统,近则受有明一代时文风气的浸染,这在一定程度上决定了中国小说评点中叙事观念的独特样貌。

    With Chinese historical culture in the background , this narrative conception follows the pattern of historical narrative tradition and accepts the dip-dye of style of writing in Ming , so at a certain extent this decides the particularity of narrative conception in punctuation and annotation of novel .