
shí jiān xiǎnɡ yìnɡ
  • time response
  1. 用matlab程序计算时间响应函数得到还原值。

    The time response function matrix was treated by matlab program and the restored value was obtained .

  2. 半绝缘GaAs光电导开关的超线性时间响应分析

    Analysis of semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive switch ultra-linear time response

  3. 当Web服务请求超时的时侯,或者用了非常长的时间响应会发生什么?

    What happens when your Web service request times-out , or takes a really long time to respond ?

  4. 埋藏有Ag超微粒子的Cs2O薄膜光电时间响应的研究

    Study on Response Time of Photoemission of Cs_2O Thin Film Embedded with Ag Ultrafine Particles

  5. GM(1,1)模型的理论缺陷及其基于时间响应函数的优化分析

    Theoretical Defect of GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Its Optimum Analysis Based on Time Response Function

  6. 对XRD的电路进行了分析,计算出XRD的时间响应和线性饱和电流。

    The equivalent circuit of XRD was analyzed , and its response time and linear saturated current were calculated .

  7. 在“神光Ⅱ”上对小XRD进行了实验考核,结果表明:小XRD与传统的大XRD的时间响应和灵敏度基本一致,达到了预定的目标。

    The experimental results indicated that the temporal response and sensitivity of M-XRD are basically consistent with traditional XRD .

  8. 高阶PLL非线性捕获的相轨迹和时间响应图的计算机自动绘制

    How to use a computer to draw automatically the phase trajectory and the time response diagram of the higher-rank PLL nonlinear capture

  9. 针对灰色系统GM(1,N)模型是以差分方程为基础进行参数估计的,而其时间响应函数却是由微分方程的解得到的。

    Parameters of grey model GM ( 1 , N ) are often estimated based on related difference equation , but time response function is acquired by the solution of differential equation .

  10. SPAD的时间响应特性及其在激光测距中的应用

    The Time Response Properties of Single Photon Avalanche Diode and Its Application to Laser Ranging

  11. 通过实验测量和理论分析,从载流子动力学角度研究了用于脉冲辐射探测的CVD金刚石薄膜探测器的适用结构、电荷收集效率和时间响应性能。

    The dark current , charge collection efficiency and time response properties of CVD diamond film detectors are studied based on experiments and their theoretic analysis .

  12. 还研究了Ce∶KNSBN光折变类光纤四波混频光栅模式和相位共轭光时间响应特性。

    The property of the four-wave mixing gratings and the phase-conjugate response time of Ce ∶ KNSBN photorefractive fiber-like crystal were studied .

  13. Ⅱ档分辨率为0.2〃;时间响应为1s。

    The resolution ratio of the second model is 0 . 2 ″ and the response time is 1 s.

  14. 非醚PPQ的三阶非线性光学性质及其时间响应

    The Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Property and Its Time Responce of Non-Ether PPQ

  15. 提出了一种新的RCS保护测控装置的联网方式&变电站监控系统直接与RCS保护装置通信,介绍了这种联网方式的实施方案和通信实现方法,分析了通信中的时间响应特性。

    This paper introduces a new method of communication and networking of RCS series protector , and analyses the time response . This scheme has been used on substation .

  16. 研究粘弹性胶层中Griffith裂纹在Ⅰ型载荷作用下,裂纹尖端动态应力强度因子和能量释放率的时间响应。

    The dynamic stress intensity factor and energy release rate were studied about the Griffith crack in visco-elastic layer under mode ⅰ load .

  17. 由于电路是由单频情况导出,故任意时间响应可通过IFFT算法得到。

    As the circuit is derived fron single frequency excitation , arbitrary temporal response can be calculated by means of IFFT algorithm .

  18. 研究无限长条板中粘弹性-弹性界面Griffith裂纹在Ⅰ型突加载荷作用下,裂纹尖端动态应力强度因子的时间响应。

    The dynamic stress intensity factor was studied about the Griffith crack between elastic and visco-elastic layers in an infinite length strip under impact load .

  19. 针对算法中负载平衡和时间响应问题,提出一种高效可行的挖掘关联规则的NA(Ntransactionalgorithms)并行算法,给出了NA算法的策略。

    A new and highly efficient algorithm of NA ( N-transaction algorithms ) was developed to balance the load and response of time in the algorithm . An analysis on performance of algorithm and its strategy was made .

  20. 由于金刚石辐射探测器具有信噪比高、时间响应快、可以在极端恶劣环境中正常工作等优点,基于CVD金刚石的辐射探测器研制吸引了众多的研究兴趣。

    Due to many unique advantages , such as high signal-noise ratio , fast time response , and normal output in extremely harsh surrounding , the CVD diamond radiation detector has attracted more and more interest .

  21. 对GM(1,1)模型的背景值与时间响应函数进行优化,算例证明,优化后模型的模拟和预测精度有显著提高。

    Improved the background value and the time response sequence of GM ( 1,1 ) model , numerical example showed that the simulation precision and the prediction precision of the optimized GM ( 1,1 ) model were significantly increased . 3 .

  22. 本文中,在考虑载流子输运过程和等离子体效应条件下,导出了PIN半导体探测器对重带电粒子时间响应函数的计算公式,讨论了确定计算公式中参数的方法。

    Considering the transfer process of carriers and the plasmic effect , we derived a formula of calculating time response function to heavy charged particles in PIN semiconductor detectors . The method of determining the parameters in the formula was also discussed .

  23. 采用MATLAB软件,编制了求解描述二阶PLL非线性捕获的二阶非线性微分方程的程序,计算机自动绘制了相轨迹和时间响应图;

    In this paper , MATLAB software is used to work out the computer program for solving the two-rank differential equations which describe the nonlinear capture of the two-rank PLL . The computer then draws automatically the phase trajectory and time response diagram .

  24. 利用一套自己研制的实验装置对VCSEL的偏振相关特性进行了研究,包括偏振相关静态LI曲线、光谱以及时间响应等,分析了偏振模式分配噪声的产生机理。

    The polarization-resolved properties of VCSEL , including polarization-resolved LI curve , spectrum , and time - response are studied , with an experimental setup developed by the authors . The mechanism resulting in polarization mode partition noise is analyzed .

  25. 利用Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半导体材料砷化镓(GaAs)和磷化铟(InP)及其掺杂材料制作的光导开关具有很好的时间响应及高功率输出特性。

    ⅲ - ⅴ compound semiconductors , such as Gallium arsenide ( GaAs ), Indium phosphide ( InP ) and their doped materials , are suitable to make high speed and high power PCSS with picosecond ( ps ) time response .

  26. 本文重点利用大型有限元软件ANSYS实现了凿井井架瞬态动力学分析,完成了井架特殊状态状态下的瞬态动力学分析,寻找到各个方向的时间响应变化规律。

    This paper has realized the key analysis of the drilling a well derrick transient state dynamics by using the large-scale finite element software ANSYS , and has completed the transient state dynamics analysis under the special condition of derrick , seeking to change rule of time of each direction .

  27. 大规模VoD服务器采用分布式结构,将连续媒体对象的多个副本放置在用户附近的服务器节点上,支持的并发流数大、覆盖的地域广、提供的节目多,可以在任意时间响应任意用户请求。

    The large scale VoD server can support vast concurrent streams , cover wide district and provide cooperative programs with the replicas of multimedia object placed the node near to user so that any program could be viewed at any time and any place .

  28. 通过描述SPAD时间响应特性的两个参数,分析SPAD的该特性对卫星激光测距精度的影响,并探讨减小这些影响的方法。

    Through describing two parameters in the time response property of SPAD , the influence of the SPAD property on the accuracy of satellite laser ranging is analyzed and the method for reducing the influence is studied .

  29. 首先从SPAD工作的物理机制出发,分析了SPAD的时间响应特性,然后根据卫星激光测距原理,说明SPAD在卫星激光测距中的应用。

    The time response property of a Single Photon Avalanche Diode ( SPAD ) are analyzed from the physics mechanism . Then the application of SPAD to satellite ranging is described according to the satellite laser ranging principle .

  30. 通过分析RQ对于搅拌速度大辐阶跃式变化的时间响应,我们发现对RQ的控制可以通过调节转速来实现。

    According to the study of the time respondence of RQ to large step changes in agitation rate , we found that the RQ control could be achieved by regulating the agitation rate of fermenter .