
  • 【物】time direction
  1. 复杂性科学的兴起,指出时间具有方向性,是不可逆的。

    But the complexity science points out that time has direction , and it is irreversible .

  2. 论时间的方向性

    About the direction of time

  3. 从P波和S波提取的震源时间函数的方向性效应都清楚地表明:走向为199°的节面为断层面,地震是从东北向西南方向的单侧破裂。

    The results are as follows : The directivity of source time functions retrieved from P-and S-waves indicate that the nodal plane striking 199 ° is the fault plane , and that the earthquake ruptured unilaterally from the northeast to the southwest .

  4. 通过把空间和空间中的物体映射到时间范畴,时间就获得了方向性、不可逆性、持续性和可测量性等特征。

    Through the mapping of objects in the domain of space onto time , time acquires the features of directionality , irreversibility , continuity and measurement .

  5. 根据概念隐喻理论,可将时间概念隐喻分为三大类,即本体时间隐喻、结构性时间隐喻和方向性时间隐喻。

    Time conceptual metaphors , according to conceptual metaphor theory , can be categorized into three groups : " ontological metaphors of time ", " structural metaphors of time " and " orientational metaphors of time " .