
shí zhì jīn rì
  • Today;even to this day;at this late hour;up to this day;at the present time
时至今日[shí zhì jīn rì]
  1. 时至今日,现代化已成为一场遍及全球的世界性运动。

    At this late hour , modernization have become a global movement over the world .

  2. 时至今日,提及非洲,许多人仍然习惯于把它与战乱、疾病和荒漠相联系,跟贫穷、愚昧和落后画等号。

    At this late hour , allude Africa , a lot of people still are used to it and a chaos caused by war , disease and desert photograph connection , with poor , unwisdom and backward picture equality sign .

  3. 先锋音乐时至今日都没有得到大众的广泛认可。

    Avant-garde music to this day has not found general public acceptance .

  4. 时至今日,我的希伯来语仍很流利,但阿拉伯语却糟透了。

    I remain to this day fluent in Hebrew , while my Arabic is atrocious

  5. 时至今日,回想起来,仍然难过。

    Even now the thought of it agonizes me .

  6. 时至今日,回想起来仍然心痛。

    Even now the thought pains me .

  7. 但是Edge并没有在实际上取代IE。时至今日Windows个人电脑上预装的浏览器除了Edge外,依然还有IE。

    But Edge didn 't actually replace IE. Internet Explorer to this day is pre-installed on Windows PCs alongside Edge .

  8. 然而,时至今日IE依然不支持扩展程序,不能在非Windows设备上使用,而且默认不能和其他设备兼容,而这些都是谷歌和火狐浏览器的强项。

    Still , to this day IE still doesn 't support extensions , isn 't available on non-Windows devices and doesn 't sync with other devices by default — all mainstays of Chrome and Firefox .

  9. 时至今日,承负说仍具有警示作用

    To date , the Doctrine of Cheng Fu still exerts its admonishing effect .

  10. 但时至今日,很清楚,他不可能再迁徙了。

    At present , obviously , nevertheless , he was not likely to displace himself .

  11. 时至今日,Android已成为最热门的移动终端开发平台之一,应用软件数目飞速增长。

    Today , Android has become the most popular development platform for mobile terminals developers .

  12. 2003年,微软(Microsoft)和时尚品牌Fossil在智能手机上的合作流产了。但时至今日,用户比以往更习惯在生活中使用手机应用。

    A 2003 Microsoft-Fossil smart phone partnership fizzled , but customers are more accustomed today to using mobile apps in their everyday lives .

  13. 时至今日,欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)本应已把纾困保护伞欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)的规模提高了两倍。

    The European Council should by now have doubled or trebled the size of the European financial stability facility , the rescue umbrella .

  14. 时至今日,一切都清楚了,Facebook公司价值连城——堪称背投广告的领导者,2013年进账了27.5亿美元。

    But it 's much clearer today that Facebook is valuable - it 's a leader in display advertising , raking in $ 2.75 billion in 2013 .

  15. POP是80年代最著名的乐队之一,但时至今日人们只知道这是ColinThompson的旧乐队而已。

    PoP was one of the biggest bands of the ' 80s but today they 're known as Colin Thompson 's old group .

  16. 时至今日,WTO及其前身GATT已经走过了半个多世纪的历程。这期间,目睹了世界经济情势的巨大变迁。

    WTO and its precedent GATT have undergone a course of over half a century by now , during which the world has witnessed dramatic changes in international economy .

  17. 他们的衣著近似传统的泰国服饰。时至今日,所有ODu人都采用了泰国与老挝的姓氏「Lo」。

    Their clothing often resembles traditional Thai clothing , and all O Du people now use the Thai and Lao family name of " Lo " .

  18. 时至今日,这场诉讼已经结束快四年了,英特尔仍然控制着x86芯片市场80%到85%的份额。

    Today , almost four years after the litigation ended , Intel still controls about 80 % to 85 % of the x86 chip market .

  19. 时至今日,大多数顶级商学院(尤其是美国商学院)仍无法与insead创立之初所形成的文化多元性比肩。

    Today , most top business schools , particularly in the US , still cannot match the cultural diversity that INSEAD established at the outset .

  20. 时至今日,经过SalesForce.com、Amazon和其他一些厂商数年的基础性努力以后,云计算的大潮似乎即将横扫硬件和软件产业领域,这将是超出任何人想象的。

    Today , after some years of foundational work by SalesForce . com , Amazon and others , it seems that a massive wave is about to sweep the software and hardware industry well beyond anyone 's imagination .

  21. 时至今日,DSB已通过了上百个案件的报告,其中绝大部分案件的DSB报告都要进入执行程序。

    Up to now , DSB has already adopted reports in more than a hundred cases , in which most of DSB reports have to enter the implementation procedure .

  22. 时至今日,平板显示器的研究已经取得很大的进展,然而,当前市场上占据主导地位的液晶显示(LCD)和等离子体显示(PDP),仍然存在着不少问题。

    Nowadays , the technology of flat panel display have made advancement , but the liquid crystal display ( LCD ) and plasma display panel ( PDP ) which dominate in the market still have some deficiency .

  23. 时至今日巧克力产业在当地依然繁荣。该城是西班牙最古老的巧克力品牌Valor(创立于1881年)的发源地。

    Today chocolate production is still booming as the town is home to Spain 's oldest gourmet chocolate producer , Valor , which was founded in 1881 .

  24. 尽管很多国内外学者进行了大量相关研究,发现中国IPO初始收益率连续多年创世界之最,甚至时至今日,IPO长期表现的强弱势之争尚相持不下。

    Although lots of scholars in and out of our country have made many researches about them , they just have found Chinese initial return of IPO creating a world record for several years but the long-term performance is also a debate .

  25. Hamilton体系下的弹性力学理论和辛差分方法时至今日已得到前所未有的大发展;但却未见到将辛差分方法应用于弹性力学数值求解的研究公布于世。

    Today symplectic difference method and the theory of elasticity in the system of Hamilton have been developed more than before , but it was not published that symplectic difference method was used in the solution of elastic problem .

  26. 在那之后不久,IKEA便发展出时至今日仍作为其规范的基本观念:以平整的包装、合适的费用运送低价、设计精巧的自组式家具。

    After that , it did not take IKEA long to develop the basic ideas that continue to define it today : low-priced , well-designed , self-assembly furniture shipped inexpensively in flat packaging .

  27. 时至今日,孩子们依然满心激动地等待着猛冲者(Dasher)、欢腾(Prancer)和其它会飞的驯鹿拉着圣诞老人的雪橇,满世界兜转,递送他们的礼物。

    Children still wait excitedly for Dasher , Prancer and the other flying reindeer that pulled Santa Claus 's sleigh round the world to deliver their presents .

  28. 从七十年代初期它所制作的电视剧集常年占据着香港电视剧收视率的八成左右,时至今日,TVB的剧集更在内地及海外华人中拥有数目庞大的观众群。

    Since early 1970s , the TV series which TVB manufactured has taken up a portion of 80 % in Hong Kong market . Even until now , the TVB series has a large number of Chinese audience groups both in mainland and overseas .

  29. 至2008年,他正式成为了HODI的项目主任,又开始攻读赞比亚公开大学的发展研究学士课程。时至今日,史提芬已成为项目经理。

    By2008 , Stephen became a full Programme Officer and started a BA in Development Studies at the Zambia Open University , and this year , in2009 , he was promoted to Project Manager .

  30. 人们现在才发现,这个部门时至今日还在靠回形针和橡皮筋工作,而高频交易员们使用的电脑则排成了行,足以使《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(BattlestarGalactica)里的首席武器官垂涎三尺。

    This is the part that , as people are only now finding out , is held together by paper clips and rubber bands , while the high frequency traders run computer arrays that would make the chief weapons officer of Battlestar Galactica drool .