
  • 网络The Shape of Time
  1. 微机发变组保护中反时限保护整定计算时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验

    Setting of Microprocessor-Based Inverse Time Protection for Generator and Transformer

  2. 时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验时滞生产函数理论

    THE FROM OF TIME Time - Lag Production Function

  3. 时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验连续性、稳定性较差,报道时差大;

    Bad continuity and stability with great time differences ;

  4. 周期谱相关在连续波信号时差提取中的应用时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验

    Application of Spectral Correlation Theory in Time-Difference-of-Arrival Extraction

  5. 下面给出一些图表,我将进一步解释时间的形状到底是什么样的。

    Below showing some charts , I will explain what kinds of shapes times have .

  6. 使用这款应用程序后,你的时钟就会变成一部不间断的延时视频,画面显示建筑工人不断地把几段木材摆成表示实际时间的形状。

    With this app , your clock is a non-stop time lapse video of construction workers switching out pieces of lumber to shape the actual time .

  7. 我们不能直接看到时间的形状,但是可以通过物体的变化感知到某些时间运行时留下的形状。

    We can not directly see the shapes of times , but we are able to perceive the shapes of times through the changes of objects .

  8. 包含用于创建带里程碑和间隔标记的线性时间线的形状。

    Contains shapes for creating linear timelines with milestones and interval markers .

  9. 基于小波的时间序列的形状匹配算法

    Shape Matching Algorithm of Time Series Based on Wavelet

  10. ③初始吸力、干密度均会显著影响膨胀力随时间变化曲线的形状;

    Evolution of the swelling pressure is affected by both the dry density and the initial suction of the specimens .

  11. 为提高油藏调剖堵水的成功率,必须搞清油井的出水机理及主要影响因素,利用油井水油比对时间导数曲线的形状,根据理论分析结果,可以判断油井出水的原因。

    According to theoretical analysis , the time derivative curves of water-oil ratio can be used to diagnose the reasons of water output in oil well .

  12. 测量激光聚变靶产生的软X射线时间变化连续谱的形状,可以知道许多X射线产生过程的详细动态记录,这有助于理解实验的热学条件。

    Measurement of the time-varying spectral shape of the soft X-ray continuum from laser-fusion targets can provide a detailed dynamical record of X-ray processes important to the understanding of thermal conditions in such experiments .

  13. 参加者首先被邀请在他们的业余时间上网对星系的形状以及其转动方向进行描述。

    Participants were first invited to go online in their spare time to characterize the shape of galaxies and the direction of the rotation .

  14. 同异反网络计划中工序时间的专家意见综合法时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验

    A Data Integrating Method on the Productive Time of a Working Procedure in Identical-Different-Contrary Network Planning

  15. 缓凝剂种类对油井水泥凝结时间的影响同步辐射时间分辨荧光光谱技术时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验

    Effect of different retardants on the coagulating time of oil-well cement