
  • 网络Information Scientist
  1. 本文考察了美国著名情报学家尤金.加菲尔德对科技与社会(STS)研究所做的贡献。

    This article explored the contributions to the STS studies made by the famous American information scientist Eugene Garfield .

  2. 就美国情报学家怀特(White)分别于1981年、1998年进行的两次ACA(作者同被引分析)结果的差异进行分析,并对情报科学的发展脉络及变化趋势进行探讨。

    In 1981 and 1998 , H. D. White studied the structure of information science in terms of its authors separately . By analyzing the differences of the two ACA ( Author Co-citation Analysis ), this article reviews the development of information science , and predicts its future .

  3. 情报学家对科学的关注与解读(Ⅱ)&情报学家解读科学的方法

    How Do the Information Scientists Pay Attention to and Study Modern Science (ⅱ) & Information Scientists ' Methods Used to Analyze Science

  4. 邱均平教授是著名情报学家和著名评价专家,我国文献计量学和科学计量学的主要奠基人之一。

    Professor QIU Jun-ping is a famous intelligence and evaluation expert , and he is also one of the founders of bibliometrics and scientometrics in China .