
shí jiān piàn
  • time slice;slot;slot duration
时间片[shí jiān piàn]
  1. 介绍了一种基于时间片的实时内核,并给出了该内核在车身控制中的应用。

    A Real Time Core based on time slot is introduced and its application in automotive body control is given .

  2. 利用插入SLEEPY时间片降低单片机系统的功耗及负载效应

    Reduction of loading effect and power consumption of single chip processor system by inserting sleepy time slot

  3. 多CPU控制系统时间片轮转调度的一种算法

    The Algorithm of Multi-CPU Control Time Flake Cycle Scheduling

  4. 这造成某些资源(如CPU时间片、网络带宽等)浪费。

    This causes waste of some resources ( such as CPU , network bandwidth , etc. ) .

  5. EPA系统数据发送时间片的自适应调整方法研究

    Self-adaptive adjustment method of the data transmission timeslice in EPA system

  6. 当线程在CPU上的时间片结束之后,它将被重新放回到这个队列中。

    When the thread completes its running slice on the CPU , it gets put back on the queue .

  7. 调度器的一个重要目标是有效地分配CPU时间片,同时提供很好的用户体验。

    An important goal of a scheduler is to allocate CPU time slices efficiently while providing a responsive user experience .

  8. 新的调度器解决上述问题的方法是,基于每个CPU来分布时间片,并且取消了全局同步和重算循环。

    The new scheduler addresses these issues by distributing timeslices on a per-CPU basis and eliminating the global synchronization and recalculation loop .

  9. 虽然两个线程都已存在,线程CPU时间片的分配取决于内核和线程库。

    Although both threads exist it 's up to the kernel and threads library to give them a slice of CPU time .

  10. 此外,还开发了能量有效的FLASH文件系统、实时内存管理和基于优先级的任务加权时间片调度等功能。

    Furthermore , energy-efficient FLASH file system , real-time memory management and priority based weighted round-robin task scheduling algorithm are designed and implemented as well .

  11. 操作在挂起一个线程的时候需要将它换出CPU,而通常此时线程的时间片还没有使用完。

    Suspending a thread requires the operating system to swap it out of the CPU often before it 's time quantum has been consumed .

  12. 在java技术中,线程通常是抢占式的而不需要时间片分配进程(分配给每个线程相等的cpu时间的进程)。

    In Java technology , threads are usually preemptive , but not necessarily Time-sliced ( the process of giving each thread an equal amount of CPU time ) .

  13. 普通Java线程按SCHEDFIFO策略运行,因此线程不划分时间片。

    The regular Java thread runs with SCHED_FIFO policy and so the thread does not time slice .

  14. 但是CPU也可以认为是一个资源,调度器可以临时分配一个任务在上面执行(单位是时间片)。

    But a CPU can also be considered a resource to which a scheduler can temporarily allocate a task ( in quantities called slices of time ) .

  15. Linux把进程分为实时进程和非实时进程来处理,它采用时间片轮转和可剥夺调度优先级相结合的调度策略。

    Linux divides the process into real-time process and non-real time process . It makes use of scheduling policy in the combination of time-sharing quantum troll and deprivable scheduling priority .

  16. 第三个例程测试了任务是如何通过由滴答组成的时间片来实现对CPU的占用的,CPU的利用率也是通过花费的滴答数来体现。

    The third routine tests that task how to occupy CPU via time slice composed of tick , indicates that CPU usage be represented by ticks spent on tasks .

  17. 任务的调度是基于它的当前状态和优先级,是根据调度算法提供的时间片来分配CPU的。

    The scheduling of a task is based on its current state and priority . Each is dispatched to the CPU for periods of time determined by scheduling algorithm .

  18. 提出了基于能量意识的簇头选举方法及簇内基于时间片的动态活动节点(ActiveNode)负责的可生存拓扑控制机制。

    Finally , we point out the challenges existing in survivable topology control of WSNs . ( 2 ) We propose survivable topology control mechanism based on energy-aware cluster-head election and active node using time-slice in a cluster .

  19. SCHEDFIFO不为线程分时间片。

    SCHED_FIFO does not time slice threads .

  20. 现在真正要解决的是hex()对counter变量的转换,以及结果中时间片的消耗情况。

    All that is really left to address is the hex () conversion on the counter variable , and perhaps the slice taken from the result .

  21. 当活动运行队列中的一个任务用光自己的时间片之后,它就被移动到过期运行队列(expiredrunqueue)中。

    When a task on the active runqueue uses all of its time slice , it 's moved to the expired runqueue .

  22. 同样由于节点性能的差异,网络中个别节点可能没有足够的CPU时间片、内存和带宽来完成消息的转发,导致了网络的分裂。

    For the same reason of the nodes ' difference performance , the network may become division because those specific nodes may have not enough CPU time block , memory and bandwidth to complete the transmitting of messages . 3 .

  23. Schedo通常用于更改调度程序时间片的长度。

    Schedo is more commonly used to change the length of the scheduler time slice .

  24. 要更改时间片,可以使用schedo-otimeslice=value选项。

    To change the time slice , use the schedo-o timeslice = value option .

  25. 在SCHEDOTHER策略中为这两个线程都指定了相同的默认优先级。因此给两个线程分配了相同的时间片执行。

    Both threads are assigned the same default priority in the SCHED_OTHER policy , so both threads are given the same time slice to execute .

  26. 时间片消失事件必须与一个同ElapsedEventHandler委托像匹配的事件处理函数相连接。

    The Elapsed event must be connected to an event handler that matches the ElapsedEventHandler delegate .

  27. 目前,通过调整SPINLOOP变量和时间片值,可以显示可获得的最大性能。

    Currently , adjusting the SPINLOOP variables and the timeslice values show the biggest performance gains .

  28. 重算循环(为进程重新计算时间片)和goodness循环已经被取消,O(1)算法用于wakeup()和schedulee()。

    The recalculation loop ( which recomputes the time slices for the processes ) and the goodness loop have been eliminated , and O ( 1 ) algorithms are used for wakeup () and schedule () .

  29. 这种剖析技术与tprof微剖析的主要差异是,微剖析可以分析程序的时间片和整个程序,而prof和gprof只能分析整个程序。

    A major difference between this profiling technique and micro-profiling with tprof is that micro-profiling can analyze a time slice of the program versus the entire program , as do prof and gprof .

  30. Codezero的调度器包含针对来宾线程和微核线程的内核优先(以及用于优先的时间片)。

    Codezero 's scheduler includes kernel preemption for both guest threads and microkernel threads ( in addition to time slices for preemption ) .