
  • 网络Associative Memory;Associated Memory
  1. 整个二层非耦合汉明联想存储器的硬件实现是基于FPGA的设计。

    Hardware implementation of the two-level decoupled Hamming associative memory is based on FPGA .

  2. 模型算法采用直接权地址映射技术,将训练样本的输入量化后直接作为联想存储器中C个权的首地址,建立起输入与权的关系。

    The direct weight address mapping techniques are employed in the underlying algorithm of the model , and the relationship between the inputs and weights is established by taking the scaled inputs of training samples as the head address of C weights unit in the associative memory .

  3. 离散型Hopfield联想存储器k阶吸引子的鲁棒性分析

    Robustness analysis of k order attractors in discrete Hopfield associative memory

  4. 混合故障模型下离散Hopfield联想存储器的鲁棒性

    Robustness of discrete Hopfield associative memories under mixed fault model

  5. 稀疏RAM式联想存储器

    Associative Memories Implemented with Sparse RAM

  6. 论文根据Hopfield神经网络知识和Eclipse插件知识构造一个联想存储器。

    Papers based on knowledge of Hopfield neural network and Eclipse plug-ins to construct a Hopfield neural network associative memory .

  7. Hopfield网络模型具有联想存储器功能,但对系统辨识不适用。

    The Hopfield network model has function of memory , but it cannot be used in system identification .

  8. 以Ce∶Cu∶KNSBN晶体作记录介质和自泵浦位相共轭镜进行实时全息联想存储器实验。

    The real-time associated holographic storage experiment was performed by using Ce ∶ Cu ∶ KNSBN as the storage media and the self-pump phase conjugate mirror .

  9. 用反馈网络实现动态联想存储器

    Realizing the Dynamic State-association Memory by Use of Feedback Network

  10. 超立方体的3-独立集及其在神经联想存储器中的应用

    3-Independent Sets of Hypercubes and Applications in Neural Associative Memories

  11. 一个改进的指数双向联想存储器及性能分析

    An improved exponential bidirectional associative memory and its performance analysis

  12. 联想存储器在数据流计算机中的应用

    The Application of Associative Memory to a Data Flow Computer

  13. 约束最小平方联想存储器及性能比较

    Constrained least squares associative memory and its performance comparison

  14. 0模糊联想存储器及自适应学习算法在地震预报中的应用

    Fuzzy Associative Memory and Adaptive Learning Algorithms and their Applications to Earthquake Prediction

  15. 双极双向联想存储器的单通道光学实现

    Optical implementation of the bipolar bidirectional associative memory

  16. 二层非耦合汉明联想存储器是一种新型的联想存储器。

    The two-level decoupled Hamming associative memory is a new kind of associative memory .

  17. 基于竞争的联想存储器学习算法

    Two kinds of associative memories based on Competition

  18. 数据驱动环境下算术式程序与联想存储器容量的关系

    The relation between arithmetic expressions and capacity of content-addressable memory under data driven environment

  19. 一种改进的双向联想存储器

    A Kind of Improved Bidirectional Associative Memory

  20. 函数链式双向联想存储器

    Bidirectional associative memory with functional link

  21. 最小平方函数链式联想存储器

    Least squares functional link associative memory

  22. 线性双向联想存储器

    Linear bidirectional associative memory

  23. 结果表明:所有基本向量都是网络的稳定状态,且动态联想存储器具有一定的纠错能力。

    The result declare that all of the basic vector is stable and the dynamic state-association has certain ability of correcting an error .

  24. 本文采用神经网络方法,运用联想存储器的联想记忆功能,编制代码进行保密信息的传输。

    In this article , through adopting nervous net method and association memory s ability of associating and remembering , the codes are made to transmit the secret information .

  25. 根据模式的位置信息,提出带树突的形态联想存储器的相关参数选取方法,通过参数的适当选取增强带树突的形态联想存储器的鲁棒性;

    In accordance with the position characteristics of patterns , an approach to selecting the parameters , which can make morphological associative memory endowed with dendrites ( MAMED ) more robust , is presented .

  26. 这样概念格由双向联想记忆存储器进行编码以区别于过去复杂概念格建立算法。

    Such concept lattices are encoded by bidirectional associative memories as apposed to complex lattices building algorithms .

  27. 联想记忆是该存储器的主要功能,可以用于中英文或者数字符号等各类信息的联想记忆。

    Associative memory is the important functions of this memory , Can be used in Chinese , English , digital and other types of information in associative memory .

  28. 探讨一种功能分布联想存贮的具有并行处理功能的PROLOG计算机结构,提出了依据PROLOG程序的进程,采用多个联想存储器和专用功能硬件,提高程序运行速度的方法。

    This Paper deals with the fundamental structure of a PROLOG machine with distribution of function , associative memory and paralleled processing capacity , Based on PROLOG course , with Associative memory and hardware of special functions . the machine will work at higher speed .