
  1. 联想是本轮金融危机中受冲击最大的PC厂商之一,因为该公司高度依赖企业市场,而企业市场受危机影响最大。

    Lenovo is one of the hardest-hit among global PC makers due to its strong reliance on the corporate market , the segment which has suffered most from the financial crisis .

  2. 联想在全球金融危机期间受到了重创。

    Lenovo suffered badly during the global financial crisis .

  3. 柳传志发表此言之际,联想正快速摆脱金融危机,走向复苏,这主要是得到其在中国实力的提振。

    His comments come as Lenovo is rapidly recovering from the financial crisis , mainly boosted by its strength in China .