
  • 网络Lenovo Mobile
  1. 而江西地区作为国内较发达地区,对于联想移动的营销战略有着非常重要的区域之一。

    Jiangxi province as the more developed regions in china , is one of the very important area of the marketing strategy of Lenovo Mobile .

  2. 联想集团通过弘毅资本完成对旗下联想移动的控股,标志着联想集团对于手机终端市场的重视。

    Lenovo Group completed the M & A of its subsidiary Lenovo Mobile by Hony Capital Holdings which marks the Lenovo Group pays the attention of the handset market .

  3. 由于宏观经济不确定性对全球相关产业需求的打击,该集团上班财年核心的PC业务及智能手机业务营收下滑8%,跌至148亿美元。与此同时,联想移动业务同比下滑10%至38亿美元。

    Revenues at the group 's core PC and smart device business fell 8 per cent in the first half to $ 14.8bn , as demand in the global industry was hit by uncertain macroeconomic conditions , while revenues at its mobile business was down 10 per cent year on year to $ 3.8bn .

  4. 他指出,联想移动业务部门的营收增长已超过销量增长,推动其智能手机的平均销售价格同比上涨25%。

    He noted that revenue growth for Lenovo 's mobile business unit exceeded volume growth , driving the average selling price of its smartphones up 25 per cent year-on-year .

  5. 同时,联想在移动设备业务方面进行了更多投资。

    Meanwhile , the company has been spending more on its mobile device business .

  6. 麦格理证券(macquariesecurities)中国策略负责人邵炯表示,联想在中国移动设备市场正开始形成吸引力。

    The brand was beginning to gain traction in the Chinese mobile market , said Jiong Shao , head of China strategy at Macquarie Securities .

  7. 瓦利德•拉希德(WaleedRashed)是一家公司的创始人,该公司计划在10月推出一款名叫Voo的快递手机应用。Voo(这个名字让人联想起飞速移动的声音)旨在为所有人提供几乎所有的跑腿服务。

    Waleed Rashed is the founder of a company that plans to introduce a delivery app called Voo in October . Voo ( the name is meant to suggest the sound of speed ) aims to do almost any chore for anyone .

  8. 联想个人电脑和移动设备在中国市场的稳定销售,使得该公司在第三季度实现净利润2.653亿美元,与去年同期的2.049亿美元相比增长30%,超出了分析师预期的2.44亿美元。

    Solid sales of PCs and mobile devices in China helped Lenovo post net profit of $ 265.3m for the quarter , up 30 per cent from $ 204.9m in the same period a year earlier and overshooting analysts " forecasts of $ 244m .