
  • 网络JT Wang;Wang Jen-tang;WangJen-tang
  1. 在宏碁宣布收购美国个人电脑制造商Gateway一周之后,该公司首席执行官王振堂(WangJen-tang)透露,他的公司有意进行另一笔交易。

    Wang Jen-tang , Acer chief executive , has revealed his company 's interest in another deal one week after announcing the acquisition of Gateway , the US personal computer maker .

  2. 王振堂(WangJen-tang)的语速非常缓慢,有足够时间考虑自己想说些什么。而且,他的语调无比温和。

    Wang Jen-tang speaks at a pace slow enough to allow him to ponder over what he wants to say and he is as soft spoken as it gets .

  3. 在临时首席执行官王振堂(jtwang)领导下,宏看来有犯下一个更大错误的危险。

    Acer looks in danger of making a much bigger mistake under interim chief executive JT Wang .

  4. 不过最近iPad(平板电脑)和其他一些新变数对PC市场产生了巨大的影响,王振堂表示。

    But more recently the iPad [ tablet computer ] and other new form factors have had a very big impact on the PC market , Mr Wang said .

  5. 现在,他们的运营正一天比一天好。宏碁首席执行官王振堂(WangJen-tang)指出:所以,作为一个竞争者,他们正处于上升曲线。

    Now their operations are becoming stronger by the day , says Wang Jen-tang , Acer chief executive . So , as a competitor , they are on an upside curve .

  6. 王振堂试图进一步安抚投资者的忧虑。他向投资者保证,根据毕马威(KPMG)的专业意见,在Gateway交易中,虽然商誉价值6亿美元,但宏碁并不面临冲减风险。

    Mr Wang seeks to further calm investor concerns by assuring them that , according to a professional opinion from KPMG , Acer faces little risk of a write-off , despite more than $ 600m in goodwill from the Gateway deal .

  7. 宏碁董事长王振堂(JTWang)在北京表示,外形超薄、电池续航时间超过8小时的AspireTimeline系列轻巧型笔记本,售价将不到1000美元,而多数类似产品的售价约为2000美元。

    JT Wang , Acer 's chairman , said in Beijing that the Aspire Timeline , a lightweight notebook with a slim profile and more than eight hours of battery life , would sell for less than $ 1,000 , compared with about $ 2,000 for most similar products .

  8. 我们必须一步步来,王振堂表示。

    We have to do it step-by-step , Mr Wang said .

  9. 但宏碁董事长王振堂对这些优惠措施却有较为积极的评价。

    Acer Chairman J.T. Wang had a more positive appraisal .

  10. 该公司主席王振堂(T.Wang)表示,由于全球经济危机,向较廉价产品转移是不可避免的。

    T. Wang , chairman , said the shift to cheaper products was inevitable given the global economic crisis .

  11. 宏董事长王振堂表示,该公司将要物色的下一个收购目标可能在中国大陆。

    Mr Wang has said that the next acquisition target the company would look at might be in china .

  12. 王振堂说,传统个人电脑的末日正在逼近。据他的估计,触屏电脑在三年后将成为主流。

    Mr. Wang said that the death of the traditional PC is fast approaching , with touch-screen computers becoming the norm in three years , by his estimate .

  13. 王振堂声称,在评估中,没有任何需要避讳的东西,甚至也会考虑宏品牌从一些特定产品段和特定地理市场消失。

    Mr Wang claims that , in this review , nothing is taboo , not even the idea that the Acer brand could disappear from certain product segments or certain geographical markets .

  14. 王振堂称,这个事实就是宏碁在美国的品牌认知度很低,而这可能需要高达1亿美元的巨资才能有所改善。即便这样,结果也并不确定。

    The reason is the company 's weak brand recognition in the US , which , argues Mr Wang , would take up to $ 100m to improve , with no certain results .

  15. 王振堂表示,新宏碁会继续把个人电脑作为核心业务,但会将更多精力投向智能手机和平板电脑业务的拓展,同时提升面向企业的销量。

    The new Acer , Mr Wang said , would keep PCs as its core business but would put more effort into expanding its smartphone and tablet businesses , as well as increasing corporate sales .

  16. 然而随着西方经济增长乏力以及平板电脑蚕食个人电脑市场,王振堂表示无法实现目标的压力变得太大,在公司内造成了摩擦。

    But , with lacklustre economic growth in the west and tablets taking a bite out of the PC market , the pressure of not meeting the target was getting too high and created friction within the company , Mr Wang said .

  17. 但王振堂表示,他希望此笔交易将在1年内帮助宏碁建立一项收入为60亿至70亿美元的美国业务,并在2年内将其美国业务的利润率提升至3%。

    But Mr Wang said he expected the deal to help Acer build a US business with $ 6bn - $ 7bn in revenues within a year and raise margins at the company 's notoriously unprofitable US operations to up to 3 per cent within two years .