
  • 网络Big Technology;Super Science;big science
  1. 随着21世纪的到来,现代科学技术的发展正从过去的小科技时代、大科技时代转向超大科技时代。

    Along with the arrival of 21 century , the development of modem science and technology is changing from the times of little science and big science to the times of super science .

  2. 施乐和朗讯是另外两家由女性经营的大科技公司。

    Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women .

  3. 三星(Samsung)是全球70家最大的公司之一,同时也是全球十大科技公司之一。

    Samsung is one of the 70 largest companies in the world and one of the 10 largest companies in global technology .

  4. 话虽如此,上周三,由亚马逊首席执行官杰夫o贝佐斯在西雅图某仓库发布的智能手机AmazonFire依然是一款不容小觑的设备,它令人从全新的视角审视亚马逊和苹果这两大科技巨头的商业模式。

    That said , the smartphone unveiled by CEO Jeff Bezos in a Seattle warehouse Wednesday is a serious device that puts the business models of two tech giants in a new light .

  5. 大众(Volkswagen)旗下的德国豪车制造商奥迪(Audi)计划与中国三大科技公司开展合作,以增强其打造联网汽车的声誉。

    Audi , the luxury German carmaker owned by Volkswagen , plans to work with China 's three biggest technology companies to enhance its reputation for building connected cars .

  6. LHMs的发现被美国《Science》杂志评为2003年度十大科技突破之一,是当前物理与电磁学研究领域中的前沿与热点问题。

    The discovery of LHMs has been regarded as one of the ten most significant discoveries in science community in 2003 , and has been the front and focus area in physics and electromagnetics research .

  7. 自组织创新网络呼唤大科技管理

    The Self-organisation Innovation Networks Call the Broad Management of Science and Technology

  8. 实施大科技战略推动企业发展

    Carry Out Strategy of Science and Technology Push the Building Enterprise Forward

  9. 消息传出之后,各大科技媒体立即开始紧张地分析两家公司分手的原因。

    The digerati have been busy dissecting the unexpected breakup .

  10. 纳米科技是21世纪的三大科技之一。

    Nanotechnology is one of the three high technologies in the twenty-one century .

  11. 中国移动支付行业被两大科技巨头所主宰。

    The sector is dominated by the country 's two biggest tech groups .

  12. 中国发布2019年中国十大科技进展。

    China has unveiled the country 's top 10 scientific advances of last year .

  13. 正如我所说的,我是个大科技迷。

    Now , like I said , I 'm a big fan of technology .

  14. 马太效应与大科技研究

    Matthew 's Effect and Great Scientific Research

  15. 然而,若是把萨蒂扬和马恒达科技有限公司合并为一个公司,那它将会成为印度第五大科技公司。

    Still , uniting Satyam with Tech Mahindra will create the fifth-largest Indian IT firm .

  16. 未来10年的十大科技突破

    Top 10 Breakthroughs For The Next Decade

  17. 大科技格局在中国铁路工程总公司的实践与发展

    Practice and development of a " full-science-technology " pattern in China Railway Engineering General Corporation

  18. 纳米技术被誉为21世纪三大科技之一。

    Nanotechnology is called one of " 21 centuries ' three sciences and technologies " .

  19. 大科技环境下公共图书馆科技文献信息资源建设与服务&中山市中山图书馆科技文献信息资源建设与服务的思考

    On the Construction and Service of Science Document Resources in Public Library under the Scientific Environment

  20. 黄志文出生于澳门,本科和硕士学位均在澳大科技学院完成。

    Born in Macao , he earned both his bachelor 's and master 's degrees from FST .

  21. 如果你走过我们各大科技大学的实验室,你会看见许多亚洲面孔。

    If you walk through the labs of our great scientific universities you see many Asian faces .

  22. 两大科技巨头将使获取智能手机的信息变得更加困难。

    Two tech giant are making it harder for police to access the achieves of data on smartphones .

  23. 中国三大科技巨头——百度、阿里巴巴和腾讯——都已经在雄安新区落地了项目。

    China 's top three tech powerhouses - Baidu , Alibaba and Tencent - have all launched projects there .

  24. 2004年太赫兹技术被评为影响未来世界的十大科技之一。

    Terahertz technology is valued as one of the ten science technologies influencing the future of the world in 2004 .

  25. 开幕式上还表彰了沈阳市十大科技英才、沈阳市优秀科技工作者等。

    At the opening ceremony , Shenyang Minicipal Government also awarded Shenyang Top10 Science Talent and Shenyang Excellent Science Workers .

  26. 尽管谷歌公司有许多非常诱人的福利,不过它的休假政策才多多少少称得上是大科技公司的标杆。

    Although Google has some pretty cushy perks , it 's vacation policy is more-or-less standard among big tech companies .

  27. 施乐和朗讯是另外两家由女性经营的大科技公司。技术服务科〔资讯科技署〕

    Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women . Technical Services Branch [ Information Technology Services Department ]

  28. 永州市雅大科技实业有限公司柳宗元被贬永州之后,极力追慕屈原。

    Yongzhou Yada Science and Technology Industry Co. , Ltd. After being demoted to Yongzhou , Liu Zongyuan greatly worshipped Qu Yuan .

  29. 相对于苹果,三星在智能手表方面抢占了先机,这将使两大科技巨头之间的竞争更趋白热化。

    With Samsung beating apple to the punch with its smart watch , the rivalry between these two giants continues to grow .

  30. 几年来,航大科技开发公司的浙科系列教学软件得到了众多高等院校用户的肯定,并且占据极大的市场份额;

    In recent years , the Zheke Series of teaching software is widely approved by many users , and occupies large market share .