
  1. 《玩具总动员4》联合导演约翰·拉萨特在D23博览会上透露影片将以牛仔胡迪警长与牧羊女宝贝的爱情故事为主轴。

    Co-director John Lasseter revealed at D23 that " Toy Story 4 " would be a love story between Woody and Bo Peep .

  2. 获得奥斯卡提名的《功夫熊猫2》(KungFuPanda2)2011年在全球赚了5亿多美元,它使詹妮弗·余·尼尔森成为当时票房记录最高的女导演(如今这一殊荣属于去年《冰雪奇缘》[Frozen]的联合导演詹妮弗·李[JenniferLee])。

    Raking in over half a billion dollars worldwide in 2011 , the Academy Award-nominated " Kung Fu Panda 2 ″ turned Jennifer Yuh Nelson into the highest-grossing female director of all time ( that title now belongs to Jennifer Lee , the co-director of last year 's " Frozen " )

  3. 邦纳与制片人罗美花(RyomMiHwa)以及联合导演、比利时人安嘉戴尔曼(AnjaDaelemans)力推“女性奋斗”题材,以挑战长久以来男性主导电影题材的状况。

    It is a fun if cheesy film of a young woman triumphing over sexism and class prejudice . Bonner along with producer Ryom Mi Hwa and Belgian co-director Anja Daelemans pushed for the " girl power " theme against the resistance of the male film establishment .

  4. 这很大程度上或许要归功于作为编剧之一的联合导演詹妮弗李,她也是首位执导迪斯尼主题电影的女性导演。

    This may largely be attributed to co-director and co-writer Jennifer Lee , who is the first female director of a Disney animated feature film .

  5. 《像我们这样的人》是联合作家库兹曼的导演首秀。

    Co-writer Kurtzman makes his directingdebutwith People Like Us .

  6. 片长29分钟的这部电影是一次西方和阿富汗电影制作人的联合项目,而导演则是纪录片电影制作人山姆·法兰奇。

    The 29-minute film is a joint project of Western and Afghan filmmakers and was directed by documentary filmmaker Sam French .

  7. 她是拉库纳戏剧公司的联合创始人之一,是锅炉房戏剧公司的艺术总监,是广丘剧院的副导演,同时还担任着幻肢戏剧公司的联合导演一职。

    She co-founded the Lacuna Theatre Company , is artistic director of The Boiler Room , is associate director at the Broadhurst Theatre and serves as collaborating director with the Phantom Limb Company .