
  • 网络American teacher
  1. 美国教师教育的专业教育改革理论取向

    Theories and Practice on the Reform of Professional Education in American Teacher

  2. 美国教师专业伦理建设及启示

    Development of American Teacher Professional Ethics and its Enlightenment

  3. 美国教师专业发展学校(PDS)教学实践研究

    The Research on Teaching Practice of American Professional Development Schools

  4. 但从OECD报告看,美国教师的工作时间远比外国同行要长。

    But the O.E.C.D. report indicates that American teachers work far longer hours than their counterparts abroad .

  5. 而美国教师的收入是美国大学学历工作者平均收入的68%,OECD报告中的平均值则是88%。

    Yet American teachers earn 68 percent as much as the average American college-educated worker , while the O.E.C.D. average is 88 percent .

  6. 美国教师自我研究的评析

    A Review of the Research on the Ego of American Teachers

  7. 美国教师教育机构转型的历史经验及其启示

    The Experiences about Teachers Institutes ' Transition in the United States

  8. 试论美国教师教育信息化标准体系特点

    Upon the Properties of Information-based Standards of American Teachers ' Education

  9. 美国教师教育的制度变迁与改革实践

    The Institutional Transition and Reforming Practices of Teacher Education in US

  10. 美国教师教育技术培训动态及其启示

    The Trends and Implications of American Educational Technology Training for Teachers

  11. 美国教师质量问题及其政策取向

    The Quality of American Teachers and the Orientation of its Policy

  12. 美国教师组织与大学教师权益探究

    On American Teachers ′ Organization and Faculty ′ s Rights

  13. 美国教师教育专业化的策略及启示

    Strategies and Revelations about the Specialization of Teachers ' Education in USA

  14. 美国教师教育优秀项目比较分析与启示

    An Analysis of the American Exemplary Programs of Teacher Education

  15. 美国教师资格证书制度研究

    A Study on Teacher Certification System in the United States of America

  16. 直面美国教师,浸泡式的语言学习环境,以英语为普通话。

    Directly face to America teacher , creating an English-center learning environment .

  17. 美国教师教育认证标准的发展历程及对我国的启示

    The Development of Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education in America

  18. 美国教师课堂教学督导的实施策略研究

    A Study on Implement Strategy of the Teacher Instructional Supervision in America

  19. 从美国教师资格证书制度看我国小学教师专业化

    Viewing Our Primary School Teachers Specialization from Teacher Certification System

  20. 美国教师组织目标诉求与运作方式的演变

    The Development of Goals and Operating Strategies of American Teachers ' Association

  21. 美国教师资格证书制度的现状与发展趋势;

    The present situation and the trend of the system ;

  22. 美国教师信息技术教育标准述评

    The Commentary on the System of Teacher 's Technology Standards in America

  23. 美国教师的继续教育:历史发展与借鉴启示

    American Teachers ' Continuing Education : Historical Development and Inspiration

  24. 试论美国教师专业化的正当性和教学科学趋向

    On the Rightness and Trend of Teaching Science in American Teachers ' Professionalization

  25. 美国教师专业发展的范式转换及其启示

    The Shifting of Paradigm of the Teacher Professional Development in America and Inspiration

  26. 美国教师教育机构认可制度探析

    On America 's Accreditation System of Teacher Education Institutions

  27. 美国教师评价研究的三个主题

    Three Themes of Studies of Teacher Evaluation in America

  28. 霍姆斯小组与美国教师教育改革

    The Holmes Group and Teacher Education Reform in USA

  29. 美国教师质量研究述评&教师有效性的视角

    Review on American Teacher Quality Research & From the Perspective of Teacher Effectiveness

  30. 美国教师合作性教学教育实习模式浅析

    Brief Analysis of American Teacher " Collaborative Teaching " of Student Teaching Model