
  • 网络The US Weekly
  1. 《美国周刊》(UsWeekly)报道,LadyGaga已和经纪人克瑞斯宸·卡里诺(ChristianCarino)订婚。

    Lady Gaga is engaged to Christian Carino , her talent-agent-turned-beau , Us Weekly reports .

  2. 她在夺金后对《美国周刊》(USWeekly)表示,Tinder太让人分心,她不得不从手机上删除了这个应用。

    She told Us Weekly afterward that Tinder was such a distraction that she had to delete it from her phone .

  3. 《美国周刊》报道,JoshCharles和他爱情长跑多年的女友SophieFlack结婚了。

    Josh Charles married his longtime girlfriend Sophie Flack last Friday , Us Weekly reports .

  4. 首先,她和Ryan订婚了,而Ryan的确是个好男人,这位40岁男星接受《美国周刊》采访时说。

    First off , she 's engaged to Ryan and he is wonderful , the 40-year-old actor exclaimed to Us Weekly .

  5. 根据美国周刊(USWeekly)的名人分手大事记,从阵亡将士纪念日(MemorialDay)起,至少有24对明星情侣分手,其中很多是八卦小报的固定报道对象。

    At least 24 star couples , many of them tabloid staples , have gone down for the count since Memorial Day , according to a recent US Weekly timeline on the topic .

  6. 线人告诉《美国周刊》,夏季卡里诺向LadyGaga父亲提亲,获准后两人悄悄订婚了。

    A source told the site that the pair got secretly engaged over the summer after Carino asked the singer 's father for permission .

  7. 《美国周刊》称卡里诺此前和《行尸走肉》中的劳伦·科汉(LaurenCohan)传过绯闻。

    According to Us , Carino was previously linked to the Walking Dead 's Lauren Cohan .

  8. 然而,油价和食品成本的上涨侵蚀了报摊前的冲动性购买,导致许多畅销杂志发行量降幅达到两位数,例如《美国周刊》(usweekly)和《奥普拉杂志》(o,theoprahmagazine)。

    At the news-stand , however , rising fuel and food costs are denting the impulse buy , leading to double-digit circulation declines for many best-selling titles such as US weekly and O , the Oprah magazine .

  9. 《Slate》杂志记者德沃拉•迈耶斯将“婴儿凸”这一说法追溯至2002年,当时小报《美国周刊》开始用这个词来形容怀孕名人的上腹部。

    Slate reporter Dvora Meyers traces " baby bump " back to 2002 , when the tabloid Us Weekly started to use it to describe the midsections of pregnant celebrities .

  10. 贾斯汀·比伯今年23岁,曾获格莱美奖,在《超级名模2》(Zoolander2)和《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)中露过脸,据《美国周刊》(UsWeekly)报道,贾斯汀目前想将重点放在影视领域。

    Now the 23-year-old Grammy winner - who has already appeared in Zoolander 2 and CSI - wants to take acting more seriously , according to UsWeekly .

  11. 又一对明星情侣步入婚姻殿堂了。据《美国周刊》报道,《真爱如血》女星埃文·蕾切尔·伍德(EvanRachelWood)与《舞出我天地》(BillyElliot)男星杰米·贝尔(JamieBell)于10月30日在加州喜结连理。

    Another celebrity wedding has managed to slip under the radar : " True Blood " actress Evan Rachel Wood and " Billy Elliot " star Jamie Bell got married on Tuesday ( Oct. 30 ) in California , Wood 's rep tells Us Weekly .

  12. 茱丽和皮特首张情侣照;50万美元&《美国周刊》

    Jolie & Pitt , 1st couple photo , $ US500,000-US Weekly ;

  13. 为了我们,你该开始看《美国周刊》了

    For all our sakes , start reading " US Weekly . "

  14. 我能不能读些《美国周刊》之类的刊物

    Fine . Can 't I just read " US weekly " Or something ?

  15. 《美国周刊》表示,这是因为它们能显得脸部更加美观。

    US Weekly said that " they showcase flattering features on your face . "

  16. 据《美国周刊》报道,赛琳娜最近决定彻底与比伯分手。

    According to Us Weekly , Selena recently decided to part ways with Bieber for good .

  17. 《美国周刊》则称,消息来自布兰妮的一位未透露姓名的亲戚,并指出孩子是个男孩。

    Us Weekly , citing an unnamed family source , said the child was a boy .

  18. 星期三,一位知情人告诉《美国周刊》,赛琳娜与比伯正式分手了。

    On Wednesday , a source told Us Weekly that Selena is officially moving on from Bieber .

  19. 据《美国周刊》报道,保罗韦斯利和吸血鬼日记的前合作演员,饰演狼女海莉的菲比托金恋爱。

    Paul Wesley is reportedly dating his former The Vampire Diaries co-star Phoebe Tonkin , Us Weekly reports .

  20. 《美国周刊》今日报道,泰勒·斯威夫特和乔·强纳斯在本月初分道扬镳。

    Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas called it quits earlier this month , Us Weekly reported earlier today .

  21. 《美国周刊》的内部消息人士补充道:“无论法官的判决是什么,都不会有赢家。”

    US Weekly 's insider added : ' There will be no winners , no matter what the judge decides . '

  22. 一名目击者在接受《美国周刊》杂志采访时表示,他们一起漫步时,看起来像“一对热恋的小情侣”。

    An eyewitness told Us Weekly magazine that they looked like " a new young couple in love " during their romantic walk together .

  23. 据美国周刊,中场休息时明星都兴致很高,帕丁森还和这对最近新婚的夫妇聊了天。

    According to Us Weekly , both stars were in ' high spirits ' during an intermission and Pattinson chatted to the recently married couple .

  24. 回到2017年11月,在传出他们约会的消息几个月之后,《美国周刊》证实他们两人复合了。

    Back in November 2017 , after months of dating rumors , it was officially confirmed by Us Weekly that the two were back together .

  25. 而根据美国周刊报道,这位24岁的歌手将在第七季美国好声音中担任名人顾问,分享她的音乐专长。

    Now , the 24-year-old singer will share her musical expertise as a celebrity adviser on season 7 of The Voice , Us Weekly reports .

  26. 《美国周刊》透露,这两人在周六罗伯特·帕丁森洛杉矶的生日派对上向大家宣布了订婚的消息。

    The two ' were telling people that they 're engaged ' at Robert Pattinson 's birthday party in Los Angeles on Saturday , UsWeekly revealed .

  27. 前段时间他们悄悄地分道扬镳,斯威夫特的朋友告诉《美国周刊》关于这位22岁的歌手和她18岁的高中学生之间的火花。

    They quietly parted ways a while ago , a Swift friend told Us Weekly about the 22-year-old singer and her 18-year-old high school student flame .

  28. 根据《美国周刊》的消息,威瑟斯彭最好的朋友希瑟罗森菲尔德担任她的伴娘,她的小侄女们做她的花童。

    Witherspoon 's best friend , Heather Rosenfield , served as matron of honour , and her young nieces were flower girls , according to Us Weekly .

  29. 贝格利在接受《美国周刊》采访时表示双方属于和平分手,处理得十分恰当:一些人会说这是一把双刃剑(因为我们分手后仍要一起工作)。

    Badgley told the Us Weekly that both parties handled the breakup professionally : Some would say it 's a double-edged sword ( to still work together after splitting ) .

  30. 与考克斯和安妮斯顿同时参与此剧拍摄的女演员劳拉·艾伦向《美国周刊》透露,“珍妮弗正在彻底'净化'她的生活。”

    Dirt actress Laura Allen , who spent time with Cox and Aniston on the set , tells American publication Us Weekly , " Jen was doing a total cleansing .