
  • 网络Asian Business School
  1. 相比之下,2001年只有两所亚洲商学院上榜,包括位列第48的香港科大商学院(HKUSTBusinessSchool)。

    In comparison , there were only two Asian schools in 2001 , including HKUST Business School at 48 .

  2. 他们在流动性指标方面排名第25,比在亚洲商学院中流动性排第二的台湾国立中山大学(NationalSunYat-SenUniversity)高57位。

    They are ranked 25th for mobility , 57 places ahead of the next most mobile alumni , those from the National Sun Yat-Sen University in Taiwan .

  3. 高素质的教师是稀缺资源,斯隆管理学院教授、亚洲商学院创始院长查尔斯•法恩(CharlesFine)说。

    High-quality faculty is a scarce resource , says Charles Fine , a professor at MIT Sloan who is the founding dean of the new school .

  4. 总排名76位的新加坡管理大学(SingaporeManagementUniversity)李光前商学院(LeeKongChianSchoolofBusiness)是首家进入这一排行榜的新加坡商学院。今年共7家亚洲商学院上榜。

    Lee Kong Chian School of Business at the University of Singapore , in 76th place overall , is the first Singaporean business school to enter this ranking , which includes seven Asian institutions .

  5. 12所亚洲商学院上榜——中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)排名最高,位列第11。

    Twelve Asian schools were in the ranking - Ceibs was the highest at 11 .

  6. 本月,斯隆管理学院宣布将与马来西亚央行(BNM)合办亚洲商学院(AsiaSchoolofBusiness)。

    This month , MIT Sloan announced a collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia ( BNM ) , the nation 's central bank , to establish the Asia School of Business ( ASB ) .

  7. 德梅耶尔教授认为,亚洲商学院数量的增加将导致一波创新浪潮,一如欧洲商学院的崛起带来一年制mba课程和多元文化学生群体。

    Prof de Meyer believes the increase in the number of Asian business schools will result in a wave of innovation , just as the rise of the European business school saw the development of the one-year MBA programme and the creation of culturally diverse student bodies .

  8. 对亚洲商学院来说,这可能是一个竞争优势。

    For ASB , this could be a competitive advantage .

  9. 李光前商学院校友在亚洲商学院中最具国际流动性。

    Its alumni are by far the most internationally mobile among this group .

  10. 那么,亚洲商学院是如何教授伦理行为的呢?

    So how is ethical behaviour to be taught in Asian business schools ?

  11. 2018年,排名最高的新上榜者也是一所亚洲商学院。

    In 2018 , the highest new entrant is also an Asian school .

  12. 《经济学人》杂志仅仅将8所亚洲商学院排进全球前100名。

    The Economist currently ranks just eight of them among the world 's top100 .

  13. 现在,一流亚洲商学院的经历可以帮助你进入一流的西方商学院。

    Top Asian schools can now give you the support you get in a top western school .

  14. 亚洲商学院校友的情况要好一些86%的学员在毕业后3个月内找到了工作。

    Alumni of Asian schools fared better , with 86 per cent in employment at after three months .

  15. 专家们表示,随着亚洲商学院逐渐成熟起来,高质量的课程将与短暂运作区别开来。

    As business schools across Asia mature , experts say quality programmes will be differentiated from fly-by-night operations .

  16. 因为许多亚洲商学院建成时间不长,所以多数需要花更长的时间才能通过认证程序。

    Because many Asian schools were founded more recently , it took longer for most to go through the accreditation process .

  17. 在全球商学院百强排名中,亚洲商学院占到了9席,今年的表现喜忧参半。

    Schools based in Asia , which account for nine of the 100 top global MBA providers , had a mixed year .

  18. 短期内,斯隆管理学院的教授将在亚洲商学院授课,但随着时间的推移,学校将招募和组建自己的师资队伍。

    In the short term , MIT Sloan professors will teach at ASB but over time the school will recruit and develop its own faculty .

  19. 该榜单涵盖全球排名前50的课程项目,其中包括31所美国商学院、16所欧洲商学院以及3所加拿大商学院,没有亚洲商学院入围。

    It included the top 50 programmes worldwide , which included no Asian schools , 31 US schools , 16 from Europe and three from Canada .

  20. 亚洲的商学院是EMBA世界的后来者,它们发现,亚洲的经理人实在认为放弃工作、就读全职MBA课程不具经济合理性。

    Late on to the scene , Asian business schools have found that managers in the region really do not see the economic logic of giving up their jobs to study on a full-time MBA programme .

  21. 中国和整个亚洲的商学院,正在为管理学如何被理解与传授做出全新的贡献&不仅是在中国,在全球范围内亦是如此。

    Business schools in China and in Asia at large are making genuinely new contributions to the way management is understood and taught , not only in China but also internationally .

  22. 据传,亚洲各地的商学院正面临同样的问题。

    Anecdotally , schools across Asia are facing similar problems .

  23. 在今年商学院排名中,同样非常清楚的一点是,亚洲世界级商学院的数量有所增加,尤其是在中国。

    Also abundantly clear from this year 's ranking is the growing number of world class business schools in Asia , particularly in China .

  24. 我们首先对比一下亚洲和加拿大的商学院。

    On day one , we compare Asian and Canadian schools .

  25. 香港科技大学商学院在短短15年内成为在亚洲享有盛誉的商学院,并且在世界管理教育界备受瞩目。

    For in 15 years , Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has grown to be one of the most respected business schools in Asia and well-known in management education circles around the world .