
  1. 高校图书馆在参与社区图书馆建设的工作中,可为之提供建设方案的咨询,提供信息资源共享、图书捐赠、人才培训及科研合作等。

    University libraries can provide community libraries with planning consultation , information resource sharing , book donation , staff training and R & D cooperation .

  2. 还有一家二手书店一周之内就收到了相当于该店一个月的图书捐赠,只因一名男子捐出了50多箱旧书。

    One used bookstore received a month 's worth of books in donations in a week when a man gave over 50 boxes of books from his home .

  3. 其子女在美国不忘乡梓教育,将家藏图书捐赠给保定师专图书馆,所赠图书颇具收藏价值。

    His children did not forget their hometown education in the United State and donated their books to the Library of Baoding Teachers College , which are of great value of collection .

  4. 对福建医科大学5年来中外文图书捐赠工作进行回顾和分析,并就今后如何加强赠书工作和学校文献资源建设提出几点建议。

    Based on reviewing and analysing of 5 years ' Chinese and Foreign book donation work in Fujian Medical University , some suggestions had been put forward on how to strengthen the college 's book Donation service and literature resource construction .