
  • 网络American Beauty
  1. 温斯莱特,37岁,与她的第二任丈夫历经近7年婚姻后在2010年离婚&《美国丽人》和《Skyfall》的导演萨姆•门德斯,他们育有一个儿子乔。

    Winslet , 37 , separated from her second husband – American Beauty and Skyfall director Sam Mendes , with whom she has a son , Joe – in 2010 , after nearly seven years of marriage .

  2. 温斯莱特,37岁,与她的第二任丈夫历经近7年婚姻后在2010年离婚——《美国丽人》和《Skyfall》的导演萨姆•门德斯,他们育有一个儿子乔。

    Winslet , 37 , separated from her second husband - American Beauty and Skyfall director Sam Mendes , with whom she has a son , Joe - in 2010 , after nearly seven years of marriage .

  3. 《美国丽人》怎么样?应该好看的。

    How about " american beauty "? That should be entertaining .

  4. 美国丽人得到了批判家和观众的好评。

    American Beauty was positively received by critics and audiences alike .

  5. 我是那种看《美国丽人》都会睡着的人

    I 'm the guy who fell asleep during Amerlcan Beauty .

  6. 你知道《美国丽人》什么时间上映吗?

    Do you know when American Beauty will be on ?

  7. 在电影《美国丽人》中,年近中年的莱斯特脾气暴躁,

    In the film American Beauty , Lester , a grumpy middle-aged man ,

  8. 美国丽人是萨姆·门德斯导演于1999年上映的剧情电影。

    American Beauty is a 1999 American drama film directed by Sam Mendes .

  9. 中文电影片名英译探微影视片名的翻译及其审美意义&从《美国丽人》说起

    Approaches to Rendering Chinese Film Titles into English Translation of Film Titles and Their Aesthetic Appreciation

  10. 奥斯卡获奖片《美国丽人》在该国中产阶级家庭中产生了共鸣。

    American Beauty , an Oscar Award winner , resonated with the middle class families of that country .

  11. 不像影片幸福那样黑暗和扭曲,《美国丽人》给社会带来一丝光芒。

    " American Beauty " is not as dark or twisted as " Happiness ," last year 's attempt to shine a light under the rock of American society .

  12. 门德斯在伦敦和百老汇做戏剧导演,颇有名气。他还在1999年的处女作电影《美国丽人》中荣获奥斯卡最佳影片奖和最佳导演奖。

    Mendes has enjoyed great success as a theatre director in London and on Broadway , as well as winning the best picture and best director Oscar awards for his 1999 debut movie American Beauty .

  13. 记住《美国丽人》中的一句话:当世上有这么多美好事物的时候,想要保持疯狂也难。

    Remember the following line from the film " American Beauty " : . " .. it 's hard to stay mad when there 's so much beauty in the world . " Get rid of things that make you unhappy .

  14. 门德斯也接受了批评,他说“我非常满意-但是人们对这部影片的好评实在多了些”。影评网站“烂番茄”说:“美国丽人是好莱坞90年代的主流电影,它是一部饱受好评的影片。”

    Mendes accepted the criticism , saying : " I thought some of it was entirely justified - it was a little overpraised at the time . " The movie review site Rotten Tomatoes says : " American Beauty is a smart , provocative high point of late ' 90s mainstream Hollywood film . "

  15. 《亚洲名人聊天室》安姿丽:不过,赢得最佳男配角奖一定很棒吧。后来又赢得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,我想一定更是痛快你因为出演《美国丽人》里那个抑郁消沉的无趣老爸和丈夫而赢得了这个奖项。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : But winning a best supporting actor must have been , you know , a great time , but I imagine that winning a Best Actor Oscar would have been amazing . And you did that for American Beauty where you played a depressed suburban dad and husband .

  16. 史派西:我想大概是在1998年回伦敦出演《冰人未了》(TheIcemanCometh)的时候。在那之后我回到美国拍摄《美国丽人》(AmericanBeauty,他藉此获得第二个奥斯卡奖)。

    A : I think that it was right around the time I went back to London in 1998 to do ' The Iceman Cometh . ' I came back to America after that and shot ' American Beauty ' [ for which he won his second Oscar ] .

  17. 悲情而浪漫的美学体现&美国影片《美国丽人》论

    The Demonstration of Esthetics Thought of Pathos and Romance & On " American Beauty "

  18. 2005年,美国杂志“首映”将美国丽人评为全美最受好评的20部电影之一。

    In 2005 , Premiere named American Beauty as one of 20 " most overrated movies of all time . "