
  1. 西尔莎·罗南出演的电影《伯德小姐》成为影评严厉的烂番茄(RottenTomatoes)网史上评论最好的电影,没有之一。

    The Saoirse Ronan-starring Lady Bird has become the most universally well-reviewed film in the history of critical aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes .

  2. TracyLetts出演了伯德小姐的父亲。

    Tracy Letts also stars in the film as Lady Bird 's father .

  3. 今年的例子包括《伯德小姐》、《迈耶罗维茨的故事》(TheMeyerowitzStories[NewandSelected])和《你好布拉德》(Brad’sStatus),这些电影都是从轻喜剧的角度讲述这个大家熟悉的人生过渡阶段。

    This year 's examples include " Lady Bird , " " The Meyerowitz Stories ( New and Selected ) " and " Brad 's Status , " all of which offer gently comical perspectives on a familiar rite of passage .

  4. 《伯德小姐》电影以就读于天主教学校高年级的Christine'LadyBird'McPherson女生展开,她渴望离开家乡加利福尼亚的萨克拉门托,到东海岸去。

    Lady Bird details the senior year of high school of Christine ' Lady Bird ' McPherson , a somewhat rebellious Catholic school teenager who desperately wants to leave her hometown of Sacramento , California for the East Coast .

  5. 该影片的导演是GretaGerwig,去年因执导《伯德小姐》而名声大噪,而且西尔莎凭借该影片获得了最佳女演员的提名。

    It will be directed by Greta Gerwig , who earned much critical acclaim last year for her work on the coming of age film Lady Bird , which also earned Saiorse an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress .

  6. 华盛顿邮报的AnnHornaday写道:“《伯德小姐》在形式,对于表现青春敏感,以及特质方面取得了巨大的成功。电影中主要角色女孩儿虽无足轻重,但是这部电影是史诗级的。

    Ann Hornaday of the Washington Post wrote : ' " Lady Bird " is a triumph of style , sensibility and spirit . The girl at its center may not be a heavyweight , but her movie is epic . '

  7. 西尔莎·罗南(SaoirseRonan)饰演“伯德小姐”(克里斯汀喜欢别人这样叫她),她是一个特别真实可信的美国17岁女孩,影片塑造了她的狂乱世界,其中所有人都得到了尖锐、同情的刻画。

    In its titular role ( Christine prefers to be called Lady Bird ) , Saoirse Ronan is an utterly convincing American 17-year-old , and everyone else in her hectic world is just as sharply and sympathetically drawn .

  8. 我们打算再试一次,伯德小姐。

    We 're just going to try one more time , miss byrd .

  9. 与此同时,我开始按着伯德小姐为我铺设的文学道路前行。

    Meanwhile , I followed the literary path Miss Burd had set me on .

  10. 《伯德小姐》在二月份会在英国上映。

    Lady Bird is due to be released in the United Kingdom in February .

  11. 伯德小姐,我希望您还是接受我以此文向您表达的敬意吧。

    I hope , Miss Burd , that you 'll accept this tribute instead .

  12. 伯德小姐教了41年书。

    Miss Burd taught for41 years .

  13. 电影《伯德小姐》的电影剧本,和两位女演员有望角逐大奖。

    Lady Bird is expected to be a major awards contender , particularly for its screenplay and its two main actresses .

  14. 生活充满了机遇,即使我未曾走进伯德小姐的教室,我也会享有大量的机会。

    Life is full of opportunity , and I would have enjoyed its plenty even if I hadn 't walked into Miss Burd 's classroom .

  15. 提莫西·查拉梅(22岁):这位演员曾出演过备受称赞的热门电影《伯德小姐》和《请以你的名字呼唤我》,而且21岁就获得了奥斯卡奖提名。

    TIMOTHEE CHALAMET , 22 : The actor appeared in critically acclaimed hits such as Lady Bird and Call Me By Your Name , and was Oscar-nominated by the age of 21 .

  16. 他写道:观看《伯德小姐》就像和老朋友一起打开了高中年鉴,每一页都代表了一段青春年少,有甜蜜也有酸楚的回忆。

    He wrote : ' Watching " Lady Bird " is like flipping through a high school yearbook with an old friend , with each page leading to another anecdote , another sweet-and-sour memory .

  17. 11月10日周末,《伯德小姐》在美国四家影院同时首映,票房收入364437美金,平均每家收入在91109美金,之后会慢慢下线,截至到感恩节已经有724家影院上线。

    The film debuted in four theaters across the United States on the weekend of November 10 with $ 364437 for a scorching per-theater average of $ 91109 . It is slowly being rolled out across the country and as of this past Thanksgiving weekend was playing in 724 theaters .