
  1. 第二天一早,约翰把我和金儿带到格雷勋爵住的沙尔伯爵庄园。那儿有一幢非常漂亮的大房子和许多马厩。

    The next morning , John took Ginger and me to Earlshall Park where Lord Gray lived.There was a very fine house and lots of stables .

  2. 六月十日,他赶上了军队,在维尔科维斯基森林&一座以波兰伯爵命名的庄园中人们为他准备的住处里过夜。

    On the10th of June he overtook the army and spent the night in the Vilkovik forest , in quarters prepared for him on the property of a Polish count .