  • Lang;light;bright;clear and loud
  • 明亮,光线充足:~敞。~澈。~然。明~。晴~。开~。爽~。

  • 声音清楚、响亮:~声。~读。~诵。书声~~。


(光线充足; 明亮) light; bright:

  • 明朗

    clear and bright;

  • 天朗气清

    clear and fresh air under a blue sky


(声音清晰响亮) clear and loud:

  • 朗声

    a clear voice


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 朗宁

    Lang Ning

  1. 昨天睛朗、恬静而寒冷。

    Yesterday was bright , calm , and frosty .

  2. 河上颇有寒意,可是天气睛朗。

    The air felt cold upon the river , but it was a bright day .

  3. 朗昨晚最后的加演节目是《赤足》。

    Lang 's final encore last night was ' Barefoot ' .

  4. 我和朗每周和同一帮人聚在一起打扑克。

    Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game .

  5. 朗荷公司的采矿及矿产业务有了些起色。

    Lonrho 's mining and minerals businesses showed some improvement .

  6. 朗先生正在给自己切一块粉色蛋糕。

    Mr. Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake

  7. 新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。

    The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang 's personal journal .

  8. 在利物浦朗雷恩公墓为布赖恩·爱泼斯坦举行了私人葬礼。

    Brian Epstein was buried in a private ceremony at Long Lane Cemetery , Liverpool .

  9. 如果我告诉朗中士你已经走了,他会大发雷霆的。

    Sergeant Long will hit the roof when I tell him you 've gone off .

  10. 朗谬尔探针法测量横流CO2激光器的电子密度

    Measurement of electron density in a transverse-flow Co_2 laser by Langmuir electrostatic probe

  11. 思科IPHotel成功案例&中国香港朗豪(LanghamPlace)酒店

    Successful Case of Cisco IP Hotel-Langham Place Hotel Hong Kong

  12. 因为基于网格的计算是一种动态的拉格朗E算法,因此与欧拉公式相应的非线性对流项将不再出现。

    Since the grid is used as an updated Lagrangian frame , the nonlinear convection term associated with Eulerian formulations does not appear .

  13. celebrate(v.)庆祝一星期后,在朗恩的餐�

    A week later , at Ron 's restaurant

  14. 朗先生告诉网络媒体CapitalNewYork,去年他总共录制了数千小时的素材,但有幸剪出来的样片也都不理想。

    Mr. Wrong ended up with thousands of hours of footage , and the luxury of cutting any example that was not perfect , he told Capital New York last year .

  15. 奥尔康让乔布斯与一个叫唐·朗(DonLang)的工程师一起工作,此人的思想极其保守。

    Alcorn assigned him to work with a straitlaced engineer named Don Lang.

  16. 朗琴Conquest表拥有多种金属和风格的型号。

    Longines Conquest models in a wide choice of metals and features .

  17. 采用朗谬探针和离子能量分析器,测量了MEP中Ar等离子体的放电特性。

    Discharge characteristics of Ar plasma in the MEP were measured with Langmuir probe and ion energy analyzer .

  18. Catalyst机构总裁兼首席执行官艾琳•朗表示,尽管如此,考虑到今年美国政坛的变化,商界女性的前景将会改观。

    Nevertheless , given the changes in U.S. politics , the future for women in business looks more promising , said Ilene Lang , president and chief executive officer of Catalyst .

  19. 2010年2月末,我第一次遇见保罗•瑞安时,是在众议院朗沃斯办公大楼(LongworthHouseOfficeBuilding)里他的办公室。

    I first met Paul Ryan at his office in the Longworth house office building on a frigid evening Wednesday in late February 2010 .

  20. 这款应教皇要求,在睛朗天气条件下使用的专车是在奔驰G级500车型基础上研发的。

    This open official car , which the Head of the Catholic Church requested for use during fine weather , was developed by Mercedes-Benz on the basis of the G500 .

  21. 此前,朗先生已在巴尔的摩的约翰斯·霍普金斯医院(JohnsHopkinsHospital)拍摄完成了两部节目,当时正在波士顿拍摄另一部。

    Mr. Wrong had completed two shows based at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and was working on another in Boston .

  22. 诸如大众夏朗(小名Sharon)类的无人驾驶车已经不再是遥远的梦想。

    Pilotless cars , such as the Volkswagen Sharan ( nicknamed Sharon ), are no distant dream .

  23. 阿尔卡特-朗迅公司(Alcatel-Lucent)和涡轮机制造商阿尔斯通(Alstom)也分别宣布与中方签署了协议。

    Alcatel-Lucent and Alstom , the turbine maker , also announced deals .

  24. 视休伊•朗为威胁的富兰克林•罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)一直防着他,不让他提出的法律在参议院中通过。

    Huey Long was prevented from passing laws in the Senate by Franklin Roosevelt , who saw him as a menace .

  25. 本文试图对使用爆炸发射阴极的闪光X射线管,从空间电荷限制流的朗谬耳公式和电路方程出发,寻找闪光X射线管参量的计算方法。

    In this paper , we try to find out a calculation method of parameters for flash X-ray tube using explosive emission cathode , according to space-charge limited Langmuir formula and electric circuit equation .

  26. 说明描述耦合到任意给定模式自发辐射噪声(朗之万噪声)项的统计平均可以用横模的双正交性(即过量噪声K因子)与特征值特性来描述。

    The statistical average of the Langevin noise that describes the spontaneous radiation noise coupling into a given mode is determined by the Biorthogonality of the transverses modes ( K factor ) and their eigenvalues .

  27. 第二章将介绍利用用期性势条件解析求解描述非对称dcSQUID的朗之万方程组对应的福克&普朗克方程。

    In Chapter 2 , it will be introduced that how to solve the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to the Langevin equations which depict , the kinetics of dc SQUID .

  28. 于是我换上了这身行头,一双赫尔穆特•朗的高级皮鞋,一条起皱的Lee牌牛仔裤,一件迪奥的风衣。

    I put on a pair of nice Helmut Lang shoes , I put on a crisp pair of Lee jeans , I put on my Christian Dior storm coat .

  29. 使用朗谬尔探针方法研究了低压CF4气体感应耦合等离子体(ICP)的放电特性。

    The characteristics in low-pressure inductively coupled CF_4 plasma have been investigated using a Langmuir probe method .

  30. 朗琴征服vhp表-具有超高精确度的手表。

    Longines conquest vhp-it achieves very high precision .