
  • 网络art director;ART;art direction
  1. 陈出生于一九八三年,成为一个画家及电影/电视行业的美术指导。

    Born in1983 , Chen Fei has established himself as an artist and an art director in the film & TV industry .

  2. 时至今日,她依然记得有一位女性美术指导“因为没有默许上司献殷勤而被解雇。”

    Still , she recalls a female art director who " was fired for not acquiescing to the attentions of her superior . "

  3. 在实践中提高美术实习指导能力;

    Enhance instructing ability via practice .

  4. 高师美术教育实习指导浅谈

    A Brief Talk on Art Practice Teaching Instructions for Students of Teachers College

  5. 美术课非指导性教学刍议

    Research on Non-guided Teaching of Arts

  6. 笔者通过问卷、访谈、观察等调查方法,分析了实习模式、师范生的综合素质、美术教育实习指导工作等实习现状及其问题。

    Through questionnaire , investigation and observation , the writer analyzed the pattern of the educational practice , general faculty of the students in normal schools , the current situation and problems of the instructing fine arts educational practice .

  7. 2001年冬魏谦作为全国美术院校教学指导委员会的成员到南宁广西艺术学院,参加教育部举办的全国美术教学改革会议。

    In 2001 , as the member of the Instructive Committee of National Institutes of Fine Arts , Wei Qian went to Nanning Academy of Fine Arts to attend the National Conference on Fine Arts Teaching held by the Bureau of Education .

  8. 提供多种工艺美术和应用科学指导的工业学校。

    A technical school offering instruction in many industrial arts and applied sciences .