
  • 网络American Hustle
  1. 《地心引力》、《美国骗局》和《为奴十二年》均有可能成为今年奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards)的夺奖热门,本周四将公布今年奥斯卡奖提名名单。

    The film will likely join ' American Hustle ' and ' 12 Years a Slave ' as an Oscar front-runner on Thursday , when Academy Awards nominations are announced .

  2. 正如电影《美国骗局》里描述的那样,被FBI逮捕之前,梅尔在布朗克斯长大,从小就开始了违法犯罪的生活。

    As indicated in the American Hustle movie , prior to his capture by the FBI , Mel had been living a life of delinquency ever since he was a boy growing up in the Bronx .

  3. 最后一部同时提名5项大奖的电影是《美国骗局》。

    The last film to be nominated for all five was American Hustle .

  4. 得知因为《美国骗局》而获得剧情/音乐/喜剧类最佳女配角奖时,詹妮弗•劳伦斯也表现得十分惊讶。

    Jennifer Lawrence also seemed surprised to win the best supporting actress award in the film category , for American hustle .

  5. 艾米亚当斯,你在《美国骗局》中的表现非常震撼。梅丽尔,我还能对你说些什么呢?

    Amy Adams , everything you do , but your performance in American Hustle blew my mind . And Meryl , what can I say ?

  6. 《为奴十二年》虽在提名数量上与《美国骗局》打平,参与了七个奖项的角逐,但当晚只摘得最佳剧情片一个奖项。

    Best picture was the only award for ' 12 Years a Slave , ' which came in with seven nominations , tied for the most with ' American Hustle . '

  7. 在电影《美国骗局》中,有一个场景是克里斯蒂安贝尔说:如果你跟他们说不,他们会一直回来要更多。

    In the movie , American Hustle , there 's a scene where Christian Bale 's character says , If you tell them ' no , ' they will keep coming back for more .

  8. 《华尔街之狼》和《美国骗局》上周末的票房也进入了前五名,预计这两部电影都将在1月16日被宣布为奥斯卡奖提名影片。

    ' The Wolf of Wall Street ' and ' American Hustle , ' both expected to be among the Academy Awards nominees announced on Jan. 16 , rounded out the weekend 's top five .