
  • 网络us-japan
  1. 中日武装冲突很可能会把美国“拉下水”,因为美国已明确表示,钓鱼岛是《美日安保条约》(us-japansecuritytreaty)的适用对象。

    Any such clash would probably draw in the US , which has made it clear that the islands are covered by the US-Japan security treaty .

  2. 他开始把TPP视为加强美日联盟以及巩固日本在亚洲地位的关键。

    He has come to see the TPP as crucial to strengthening the US-Japan alliance and its role in Asia .

  3. 加拿大总理希望能在这一美日争执中扮演不偏不倚的调解人角色。

    Can-ada 's prime minister will be hoping to play honest broker in the row between the United States and Japan .

  4. 中国与美日MBA学位教育适用性的比较研究

    Comparative Study of MBA Academic Degrees Education in China and the United States of America and Japan

  5. 在5月份,美日两国讨论如何协调他们的GPS系统以更好的监视空间和海洋。

    In May , Washington and Tokyo discussed ways tocoordinate their GPS systems to better track what 's going on in space and onthe oceans .

  6. 中国理解TPP会增强美日之间至关重要的联盟。

    China understands that the T.P.P. will reinforce the vital American-Japanese alliance .

  7. 美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)曾亲自敦促要求迅速采取行动,实施美日两国前政府商定的这一搬迁计划。

    Barack Obama , US president , has personally pushed for expeditious action to implement the move , which was agreed by previous US and Japanese administrations .

  8. 美日共同开发并部署TMD对东北亚地区安全构成威胁

    The Joint Development and Deployment of TMD by the U.S. and Japan Poses a Threat to Security in Northeast Asia

  9. 为日本灾情最严重的地区提供服务的仙台机场(SendaiAirport)是灾后美日军事合作最突出的象征。

    The most notable symbol of U.S. - Japanese military cooperation in the wake of the disaster is Sendai Airport , which serves the most severely affected area in the country .

  10. TPP迄今面临的最大障碍是美日在各自开放农业和汽车行业、加大竞争方面的谈判进展缓慢。

    The biggest obstacle facing the TPP has been the slow bilateral negotiations between the US and Japan over opening their respective agricultural and auto sectors to greater competition .

  11. 美国国家公共政策研究院(nationalinstituteforpublicpolicy)安全专家罗伯特杜加里克(robertdujarric)表示,只要东京确信,美日同盟能够提供可靠的威慑,日本就不会从根本上改变其政策。

    Robert Dujarric , a security expert at the National Institute for public policy in the US , said that as long as Tokyo was convinced that the US-Japan alliance provided a credible deterrent , Japan would not substantially alter its policy .

  12. 美国国防部长哈格尔(ChuckHagel)在一份声明中说,这一里程碑的实现明确地向整个地区展示美日联盟能够应对复杂、困难的问题。

    ' Reaching this milestone is a clear demonstration to the region that the alliance is capable of handling complex , difficult problems , ' said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in a statement .

  13. 美日两国规范和ISO标准都是将阵风影响系数取为一个恒量,中国规范中的风振系数却是随高度变化的量。

    In the ISO standard and the wind load codes of America and Japan , the wind-induced vibration coefficient is called gust effect factor and is a constant , whereas it is a parameter changing with the elevation of the structure in the China ' code .

  14. 试析新世纪美日同盟关系的变化

    Analysis on the Reinforcement of Us-Japan Alliance in the New Century

  15. 美日存款保险制度的分析及对我国的启示

    An Analysis of American and Japanese Deposit Insurance System Their Revelation

  16. 美日电子商务发展比较

    A Comparative Study of the e-Commerce Development between American and Japan

  17. 对美日经济低迷要有应对准备。

    Preparations required to cope with us and Japanese economic slump .

  18. 中国对卫星下手,美日准备开展保卫工作

    As China Stalks Satellites , U.S. and JapanPrepare to Defend Them

  19. 美日贸易摩擦与发展

    Frictions and Developments in Trade between the United states and Japan

  20. 美日之间定期的贸易谈判所导致的结果只是更多的相互指责。

    The periodic US-Japan trade talks only result in more recrimination .

  21. 美日毕业生资源配置模式与启示

    Allocation Pattern of Graduates'Resources in America and Japan and its Inspiration

  22. 美日食品包装技术新趋势

    New trends of food packaging technology in the US and Japan

  23. 美日对外援助之比较

    Comparison of the United States 's and Japanese Foreign Aid Policy

  24. 由美日觊觎台湾看台湾的地缘战略

    On Taiwan 's Geo-strategy from the Covetousness of America and Japan

  25. 美日政府危机管理体制比较及启示

    US and Japan : A Comparison of Crisis Management Systems

  26. 美日企业年金制度解读与我国企业年金制度的完善

    Analysis of American and Japanese Enterprise Annuity System and Perfect of Ours

  27. 美日铸件市场结构变化和大量的过剩生产能力思考

    Changes of Market Structure Great Number of Overcapacities in Japan the U.S.A

  28. 日本电子信息产业概览发达国家汽车工业管理系统给我们的启示&谈谈美日汽车业的精益生产和团队工作

    Lean production and team work in car industry of usa & Japan

  29. 美日经济摩擦及其在亚洲的争夺

    U.s. - japanese economic friction and their contention in Asia

  30. 入世背景下的行政指导制度&美日胶卷案引发之思考

    The Administrative Guidance in the Context of Entry into WTO