
shān dònɡ zhě
  • instigator;agitator;demagogue;abettor
  1. 那个煽动者赢得了人们的支持。

    The demagogue has won people 's support .

  2. 你晓得吗,橙带党分支鼓动废除联合议会要比奥康内尔这样做,以及你们教派的主教、教长们把他斥为煽动者,还早二十年呢!

    Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before O'Connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue ?

  3. 如果我们真的是煽动者,那我们愿意接受惩罚

    If we are really the instigator , we are awaiting punishment .

  4. 文字专家马修斯说,早在1854年,一家美国媒体就使用过peanutagitators(无人支持的鼓动者,煽动者)这个词汇。

    Word expert Mitford Mathews says that as early as eighteen fifty-four , an American publication used the words peanut agitators .

  5. 遍地的贫困会使工人如饥似渴地倾听煽动者讲话。

    Distress everywhere inclines the labourer to listen with eagerness to agitators .

  6. 传播媒体报导他是个危险的煽动者

    He is represent by the media as a dangerous firebrand

  7. 过分自信行动像是煽动者的人。

    A confident assertive person who acts as instigator .

  8. 她是他们吵架的煽动者。

    She was the instigator of their quarrel .

  9. 把你作为一个煽动者关起来,也很容易。

    So toom detaining you as an agitator .

  10. 煽动者鼓动人民叛乱。

    Agitators were exciting the people to rebellion .

  11. 煽动者怂恿农民革命。

    Agitators urged the peasants to revolution .

  12. 外国煽动者仍然有很大数目。

    Foreign agitators are still at large .

  13. 但这些宗教煽动者说对了一件事,我们需要一个普世价值

    But the demagogues are right about one thing : We need a universal conception of human values .

  14. 叙利亚官方通讯社暗示,这是被称为“煽动者”进行的阴谋破坏的结果。

    The official news agency in Syria suggests that it 's the work of what it describes as'instigators'carrying out sabotage .

  15. 从美国、法国到印度,外国投资仍然是一个极易为煽动者所利用的话题。

    Foreign investment is still a subject that is easily exploited by demagogues , from the us to France to India .

  16. 他是这场反政府叛乱的煽动者.那个煽动者的言论很近似于判逆。

    He was the prime mover in the revolt against the government . The demagogue 's speech trenched closely on treason .

  17. 父亲是个清苦的教师联合会的领导,也是一个政治变革的煽动者,周末常在安沙波列哥沙漠裸走。

    His father was a bitter teachers union organizer and political agitator who spent his weekends hiking nude in the Anza Borrego desert .

  18. 哦,对于全球性战争,很明显萨达姆是一个主要的煽动者。

    Well , as far as global warfare is concerned , it 's pretty obvious that Saddam could have been a major instigator .

  19. 根据他的办公室发布的声明,他还命令大幅加强针对恐怖袭击煽动者的执法力度。

    According to a statement from his office , he also directed that enforcement against those who incite toward terrorist attacks be significantly increased .

  20. 新闻媒介报导,他是个危险的煽动者。新闻媒介得知此事会引起大惊小怪。

    He is represented by the media as a dangerous firebrand . There will be a fuss when the media get hold of the story .

  21. 费舍曼指出,本拉登是个有魅力的煽动者,他的录像充满了修辞和富有诗意的词汇,很能吸引他的追随者。

    Fishman points out that bin Laden was a charismatic firebrand whose videos were compelling to his followers , full of rhetorical and poetic flourishes .

  22. 她也不是一个煽动者:在书末的“宣言”中,她提出的第一个要求是呼吁改善经济统计。

    Nor is she a rabble-rouser : the first demand in the " Manifesto " with which she concludes the book is a call for better economic statistics .

  23. 任何受到这些煽动者误导的投资者都付出了巨大代价,道琼斯指数在这封信公布之日以7063点收盘,在当年以10428点收关。

    Any investors who were misled by the sensationalists paid a big price : The Dow closed the day of the letter at7,063 and finished the year at10,428 .

  24. 在“我们要选伯尼”的口号中,他接着说:“这是我们所生活的现实世界。特朗普是恶霸,是煽动者。”

    Over chants of " we want Bernie , " he added : " This is a real world we live in . Trump is a bully and a demagogue . "

  25. 密斯凡德罗是当代的柯布西耶和沃尔特·格罗佩斯(创始人的包豪斯学校),密斯是一个原始的煽动者的现代主义运动。

    Mies Van der Rohe was a contemporary of Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius ( the founder of the Bauhaus School ), Mies is one of the original instigators of the Modernist Movement .

  26. 这份请愿书反驳俾路支是该国的金·卡戴珊的观点:“她是我们的坎迪尔:一个工薪阶层女性、一个第三世界的女权主义者、一个规则破坏者、一个敢于做自己喜欢的事的煽动者——尽管面临着生命威胁。”

    The petition rebuts the notion that Ms. Baloch was the country 's Kim Kardashian : " She was our Qandeel : a working-class woman , a Third World feminist , a disrupter and a firebrand who dared to do as she pleased , despite threats to her life . "

  27. 煽动叛乱者,挑动争端者挑起麻烦或引起叛乱的人。

    A person who stirs up trouble or kindles a revolt .

  28. 煽动叛乱者,挑动争端者:挑起麻烦或引起叛乱的人。

    Firebrand : a person who stirs up trouble or kindles a revolt .

  29. 煽动煽动者的行为或言辞。

    The practices or rhetoricof a demagogue .

  30. 他是个煽动谋反者。

    He was setter-on to treason .