
jiāo chā cún qǔ
  • interleaving
  1. 通过对智能化立体车库的研究,提出了三种可提高车库效率的优化车辆存取策略,即分区存取、交叉存取和自调整策略。

    According to the study of intelligent 3D park , this paper gives tree optimization storage - retrieval strategies of increasing park efficiency , they are classing strategy , interleaving strategy and self - regulation strategy .

  2. 对于独立运行的不同应用程序(或相同应用程序的副本),即使使用了Dispenser类,也可能将读或写交叉存取到文件中。

    Different independently running applications ( or copies of the same application ), even if they are using the Dispenser class , could have interleaved reads and writes to the file .

  3. 甚至在确定了会产生问题的几行关键代码后,依旧难以解耦那些会导致竞态条件或者死锁的交叉存取事件。

    Even after isolating a problem down to a few crucial lines of code , it can be difficult to untangle the interleaved events required to make a race condition or deadlock occur .

  4. 对虚拟天文台技术的研究,从单个数据库存取扩展到了基于网络的分布在世界范围的多个数据库交叉存取、网格计算,该文介绍了虚拟天文台技术发展的各个方面内容。

    The research of the virtual observatory technologies extends to across access numbers of databases which is based on network and distributed over the world from single database , continues to extend to grid computing .

  5. 交叉证书的发布存取与目录服务。

    Cross-certificates publishing , accessing and directory service .