
  • 网络count;Counter;Count Value
  1. LinuxPOSIX信号使用semwait()来挂起发出调用的线程,直到信号拥有了非零的计数值。

    Linux POSIX semaphores use sem_wait () to suspend the calling thread until the semaphore has a non-zero count .

  2. 常用螺纹插补算法中,很难选取一个恒定的脉冲计数值n,以满足高速切削要求。

    The interpolation algorithm in common use can ′ t meet the demands of high speed thread cutting , because it is difficult to find a invariable pulse count value ' n ' .

  3. SYNTAX栏位显示这是一个计数值。

    The SYNTAX field shows that this is a counter value .

  4. 对于具有频率计数值的域散列,按照值对列表排序并打印前N个链接。

    With this hash of domains with values of frequency counts , we sort the list by value and print out the first N links .

  5. 结论:在无条件检测CD4淋巴细胞计数的情况下,可用TLC预测CD4淋巴细胞计数值。

    Conclusion : TLC may be used as a prediction index for CD4 lymphocyte count .

  6. 这个频率可以直接送入单片机计数,通过数学计算模型将计数值n转换成氢气浓度码。

    This frequency can be directly sent to MCU count . And the count n can be changed into the hydrogen concentration code by mathematical calculation model .

  7. 打开caesar1cpi.pmf之后,会在Details页面中看到许多事件和事件计数值,在工具提示中还可以看到说明。

    After opening caesar1_cpi . pmf , you will see many events , event count values , and their descriptions in the tool tip in the Details page .

  8. 当用于定量半定量分析时,应选择能更准确反映计数值的定量分析型Ramp滤波函数

    When doing quantitative analysis , the quantitative Ramp filter should be adopted so as to acquire more accurate results

  9. 在算法上提出应用左心室心肌最大放射性计数值采样及GaussNewton最优化方法进行模型参数的拟合。

    We adopted the maximum counts of the myocardium to fit LV to LV long axis model under the Gauss-Newton optimization method .

  10. Linux使用pthreadconditioninit调用在当前进程内创建信号对象,在其中维持一个在零与最大值之间的计数值。

    Linux uses the pthread_condition_init call to create a semaphore object within the current process that maintains a count between zero and a maximum value .

  11. Kappa检验主要检验配对计数资料C×C表主对角线上的计数值是否显著地大于其期望值。

    Kappa statistics focuses on the counts in the major diagonal of the C × C table , testing if the diagonal counts were significantly higher than those expected ( by chance alone ) .

  12. 本文从原理上分析了采用舍选法进行随机抽样,得到符合放射性衰变统计规律的模拟计数值,并用TC进行了编程实现;

    The principle of simulation of the statistics counting of radioactive nuclear decay based on the rejection method is presented , and the simulation is implemented with TC programming .

  13. 影响手术后1天和3天时DM组平均前房平均闪辉计数值改变的独立因素都仅为累计超声乳化时间。

    The total phacoemulsification time was confirmed as the independent influence factor of the average anterior chamber flare value change in the Diabetes Mellitus patients 1 or 3 days after surgery .

  14. 当第二周期化疗结束后,外周血PLT计数值作为实验组数值。

    After the end of the second cycle of chemotherapy , the peripheral PLT counting values were taken as the values of experimental group .

  15. 第二个表格answers包含每个调查问题的答案,使用poll字段管理关系和当前答案投票数的计数值。

    The second table , answers , holds the answers to each poll question , using the poll field to manage the relation and a count value with the current number of votes for that answer .

  16. 利用GPS时钟无累计误差和高精度晶振频率稳定性高的特点,并将高速采样与秒脉冲捕捉有机结合,通过硬件方式无延时地捕捉秒脉冲以获取精确的时间计数值。

    Owing to GPS clock , which has no accumulative error , and quartz oscillator , which is very stable , the time counting value is obtained without delay via hardware by combining high speed sampling and PPS ( Pulse Per-Second ) - snapping .

  17. 计数值用于追踪那些随著时间增大的值,比如通过NIC(网卡)的包的数量或者从启动开始CPU的累计高负荷工作时间。

    Counter values are used for items that continuously increase as time passes , such as the amount of packets passing through a NIC or amount of time CPU been busy since boot time .

  18. GM-APD单光子计数器工作于门控方式,根据统计光学理论,确定GM-APD单光子计数器输出的光子计数值为离散型随机变量。

    The photon counting values were discrete type random variables according to statistics optical theory .

  19. 当计数值成为零时,信号对象的状态成为non-signaled。

    When the count reaches zero , the state of the semaphore object becomes non-signaled .

  20. 在Win32中,ReleaseSemaphore函数会令指定的信号对象的计数值增加指定数量。

    In Win32 , the ReleaseSemaphore function increases the count of the specified semaphore object by a specified amount .

  21. 利用平台进行了GM-APD光子计数值与光照关系标定和分辨率测试。

    The photon counting values and illumination calibration and resolution test were achieved on the platform .

  22. 我们使用该计数值作为ETag,这样当客户端将ETag送回时我们就知道页面背后的一个或多个对象是否被修改了。

    We use the count as the ETag , so when the client sends it back we know if one of the objects behind the page has been modified .

  23. 可以应用于单因子、双因子的实验设计,无论是计量值数据,还是计数值数据,ANOM检验异常值的能力都很强。

    ANOM can also be applied to one-way and two-way factorial designs . For both variable and attribute data , ANOM is powerful to detect difference of means .

  24. 方法:通过体外培养低传代的人毛乳头细胞,收集其上清配制成条件培养基,用此条件培养基培养高传代人毛乳头细胞,观察其细胞的3H-TdR计数值及细胞超微结构的变化。

    Methods : The cultured medium of lower passage HDPCs was collected and prepared as the conditioned medium . Using this conditioned medium , the higher passage HPDCs were cultured . Then the 3H-TdR incorporation and the ultrastructure of cultured HDPCs were observed .

  25. 减小前一个示例中的循环计数值,在脚本的开头添加set-x和一个注释,见清单12。

    Tone down the loop count on the previous example , add set - x to the beginning of the script as well as a comment , and execute it , as shown in Listing 12 .

  26. 煤质快速分析仪采用γ射线、电容、压力和温度传感器来测量煤样的灰分、水分、密度和温度计数值,通过PC-7606数据采集卡把四路计数值传入计算机。

    The coal quality analysis apparatus measures the count value of ash , water , density and temperature of coal sample with the y-ray sensor , capacitance sensor , pressure sensor and temperature sensor respectively , and inputs the four count values to the computer by pc-7606 data collection chip .

  27. 当然,时间计数值应该是整数。

    Of course the clock count numbers should be integers .

  28. 建立了一个简便、可靠的扫描质子探针元素分布图本底值剔除方法,编制了逐点本底计数值剔除计算程序。

    A simple and reliable method for the correction has been developed .

  29. 该线程将打印零循环计数值然后结束。

    That thread prints out the zero loop count value before it terminates .

  30. 基于数据融合电晕放电紫外计数值的数据处理

    Data Process of Ultraviolet Counts for Corona Discharge Detection Based on Data Fusion Technology