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  1. 那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子。

    The ship drifted helplessly for a time .

  2. 浸没了孤零的花,浸没了几多愁。

    The immerse alone flower , the immerse more than several had worried .

  3. 你孤零地活着毫无报酬,由于他们怕你伟大的价值。

    You live alone and unrecompensed because they are afraid of your great worth .

  4. 你把你的记忆当作一星火焰留在我孤零的别离之灯里。

    You leave your memory as a flame to my lonely lamp of scparation .

  5. 但不要高悬夜空显赫孤零。

    Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night

  6. 那农舍孤零地座落在农田中。

    The farmhouse stands by itself in thefields .

  7. 因此,山脉是明显突出于其周围环境之上的庞大孤零的大陆块。

    Thus mountains are large isolated land masses that project conspicuously above their surroundings .

  8. 落叶孤零飘下。

    Deciduous solitary zero floating down .

  9. 一维无限深势阱调制下的空间光孤子你敲打鼓点控制屏幕上的角色.多么孤零精怪啊?

    Spatial solitons modulated in one-dimensional infinite well potential You bang on drums to make your on-screen characters hit people . How bizarrely cool is that ?

  10. 你敲打鼓点控制屏幕上的角色.多么孤零精怪啊?没有类似变色、污点、电解液泄漏和零伏现象。

    You bang on drums to make your on-screen characters hit people . How bizarrely cool is that ? There shall be no such details as discoloration or electrolyte leakage or 0 voltage .

  11. 我在这个孤孤零零的地方,在这种孤零凄凉的情况下度我的余生。

    Fiery intensity of feeling . In this desolate place , and in this desolate manner I should end my life .