
  • 网络marriage
  1. 虽然大多数阿根廷年轻人根本没考虑过谈婚论嫁,可他们似乎都还很喜欢参加婚礼。

    Although most young Argentinians aren 't even thinking about marriage these days , they seem quite fond of wedding ceremonies .

  2. 但沮丧的是,当他们正式开始谈婚论嫁时,费雯在利的要求下不得不放弃了学院的学习。

    Much to her dismay , Vivien abandoned the academy , at Leigh 's request , once they became serious about marriage .

  3. 据独家消息来源向八卦网站InTouch透露,这位41岁的一线明星已经有了一位新男友,并且他们已经开始谈婚论嫁。

    Sources exclusively tell In Touch the 41-year-old A-lister has a new man in her life - and they 're already talking about getting married !

  4. 她当时遇到了同样丧偶的肯•罗宾森(KenRobinson),他们很快就开始谈婚论嫁了。

    It was when she met Ken Robinson , who was a widower himself , that things got serious .

  5. 虽然先前两人已经到了谈婚论嫁的地步,但最近JYJ成员朴有天与黄荷娜还是对外宣布了分手的消息。

    Even after talks of marriage , JYJ member Park YooChun recently called it quits with Hwang Hana .

  6. 我不是想找个那种可以谈婚论嫁的完美男人。

    I was not looking for some perfect guy to marry .

  7. 问题是她太年轻了,谈婚论嫁还有点小。

    The thing is that she 's too young to marry .

  8. 她嫁了一个无名的人。两人在谈婚论嫁时

    She has married a nobody . When two people talk of marriage

  9. 两人在谈婚论嫁时

    When two people talk of marriage

  10. 甚至当孩子涉及谈婚论嫁时,父母在这所扮演的角色比他们子女更重要。

    Even when their children refer to marry , they may play more important role than their children .

  11. 他是非常好的一个男孩,我们已经深深地相爱了,甚至到了谈婚论嫁的地步。

    He is a very fine boy and we have fallen deeply in love and are planning to get married .

  12. 当发展到谈婚论嫁时,种姓等方面的传统顾虑似乎很快又占了上风。

    When it comes to tying the knot , it seems traditional concerns such as caste quickly return to the fore .

  13. 正是那位男青年的母亲前去拜访准新娘的家,由这就开始了谈婚论嫁的全过程。

    It is the mother of the young man who initiates the process by visiting the home of a potential bride .

  14. 她想了一下,然后接着说道:当你祖父不得不去从军参战的时候,我们已经到了谈婚论嫁的阶段了。

    She thought for a while and then continued . We were talking about engagement when your grandfather had to go to war .

  15. 女大学生正处于择偶、谈婚论嫁的阶段,在学习的同时还要面对恋爱、婚姻等情感问题。

    Female college students are in a stage of mate selection and marriage . While studying , they also face love , marriage and emotional problems .

  16. 我年轻的时候父母告诉我,当你对别人有一点意思的时候,就可以谈婚论嫁。

    When I was young , our parents taught us that if you had a little bit of love for someone , it 's okay to marry .

  17. 有来源在订婚消息公布时表示:莉顿和亚当都深爱着彼此,当时已经到了谈婚论嫁的地步了。

    A source said at the time of their engagement : ' Leighton and Adam are crazy about each other and have talked about getting married eventually .

  18. 目前我遇到了一个很不错的男人,虽然我们还没谈婚论嫁,可是我们未来的结合是很有可能的。

    I am currently in a wonderful relationship and , although we have no plans for getting married in the near future , it is a possibility .

  19. 这就意味着到了谈婚论嫁的关键年龄时,首次会出现男孩过剩的现象。

    This means that , for the first time , there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate .

  20. 不论你是单身仍在寻觅,还是正在恋爱等待求婚,或者正因婚礼的事儿而有所不满,我们总避免不了婚礼或是谈婚论嫁这个话题。

    whether you 're single and looking , in a relationship and waiting for the proposal , or just disgruntled over weddings , there 's no avoiding weddings or marriage .

  21. 27岁的瑞贝卡刘是一名会计师,与29岁的男友杰瑞徐交往了一年半,近日两人却在谈婚论嫁之时分手了。

    Rebecca Liu , a 27-year-old accountant , recently broke up with her 29-year-old boyfriend Jerry Xu as they started discussing the possibility of marriage , after dating for a year and half .

  22. 她讲到了一位朋友的故事,那位朋友和男友刚恋爱不久就买了房子,但他们很快就意识到了自己还没有达到谈婚论嫁的程度,于是就分手了。

    She recounts the story of her friend who bought a house with her boyfriend early on in the relationship . Soon after , they realized they were not ready for that level of commitment and broke up .

  23. 严格说来,30岁的陈仪丽不再是独身女性,她已经跟男朋友交往两年,甚至到了谈婚论嫁的地步。不过,她还不确定是否要生孩子,尤其是如果孩子会阻碍她事业发展的话。

    Strictly speaking , Ms. Chen , 30 , is no longer a singleton . She 's in a relationship that 's lasted two years , and is even thinking of marrying her boyfriend -- though she 's not sure she wants children , particularly if they might get in the way of her career .