
tán pàn tiáo jiàn
  • bargaining power
  1. 伊朗提出重启核谈判条件。

    Iran sets conditions to resume talks .

  2. 但是,我要把你的出任作为一个谈判条件,你不想给合资谈判设置障碍吧?

    But I tell you that your employment will be one of the negotiation conditions . I don 't think you want to enlarge the difficulty of the negotiation .

  3. 最有可能避免这一结果的机会是,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在第二任期将与伊朗谈判的条件更加明朗化。

    The best chance of avoiding this is if President Barack Obama is more forthright in his second term about the terms of negotiation with Tehran .

  4. 英国前外交大臣赫德勋爵(lordhurd)指出,西方国家应放宽与伊朗或哈马斯组织(hamas)进行谈判的条件。

    Lord Hurd , a former British Foreign Secretary , argues that the West should relax its conditions on talking to Iran or the militant group Hamas .

  5. 甚至连被视为最脆弱的生产商之一、负债累累的切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)本周也争取到按重新谈判的条件维持40亿美元的银行信贷额度,从而确保自己能够存活得更久一点。

    Even heavily indebted Chesapeake Energy , seen as one of the most vulnerable , this week managed to secure its future for a while longer with a renegotiated $ 4bn bank lending facility .

  6. 以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡指责巴勒斯坦官员违反和平谈判的条件。据NPR新闻的艾米莉·哈里斯从特拉维夫带来的报道,去年夏天开始为延长谈话做出的努力现在面临困境。

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is accusing Palestinian officials of violating the terms of peace negotiations as NPR 's Emily Harris reports from Tel Aviv , efforts to extend the talks that started last summer are floundering .

  7. 但种种迹象显示,展开谈判的条件几乎已万事俱备。

    But the signs are that it is almost ready .

  8. 我方已指令其尽快为贵方送去成衣样品,并授权其与贵方谈判成交条件。

    He is authorized to discuss the conditions and terms of transactions with you .

  9. 重要的是作为一个导演,试图预先谈判的条件,为您的工作。

    It is essential as a filmmaker to try and negotiate up front the terms that work for you .

  10. 布什政府也鼓励房屋贷款机构和那些资金周转困难、住房即将被没收的借贷人重新谈判贷款条件。

    The Bush administration has also encouraged mortgage lenders to renegotiate loan terms with financially-strapped borrowers facing foreclosure on their homes .

  11. 我认为,韩国想要孤立朝鲜,直到朝鲜接受重启六方谈判的条件。

    I think South Korea wants to isolate North Korea until it accepts the terms to return to the six-party talks .

  12. 巴勒斯坦提出过恢复谈判的条件,也就是以色列停止在西岸和东耶路撒冷扩大定居点,但是遭到以色列拒绝。

    The Palestinians have conditioned a resumption of negotiations on a halt to Israeli settlement expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem , but Israel has refused .

  13. 但接近这一交易的人士声称,平安目前正考虑,是否继续这项合资计划,是重新谈判合资条件还是退出交易。

    However , people close to the situation said Ping An would now review whether to pursue the proposed joint venture , renegotiate the terms or pull out of the deal .

  14. 本公司在贵国的代表是施罗克先生。我方已指令其尽快为贵方送去成衣样品,并授权其与贵方谈判成交条件。

    Our representative in your area is Mr. Floyd Schrock , whom we have instructed to send you samples of made products as soon as possible . He is authorized to discuss the conditions and terms of transactions with you .

  15. 反对党已经为开始和平谈判设定了条件。

    Opposition parties have set conditions for peace negotiations to begin .

  16. 内塔尼亚胡则说,巴勒斯坦人正试图为以巴谈判设定前提条件。

    The Israeli leader has said the Palestinians are seeking to set preconditions for any talks .

  17. 福田康夫首相表示,会议达成的协议只是给今后继续谈判创造了条件。

    Prime Minister Fukuda says the agreement sets the stage for more talks in the future .

  18. 中国敦促印度不要采取使问题复杂化的举动,与中国共同努力为边界谈判创造有利条件。

    China has urged India to refrain from moves that complicates boundary issues and work with China to create conditions for talks .

  19. 奥巴马政府表示愿意与北韩进行一对一的谈判,但条件是这种谈判必须直接相关六方会谈。

    President Obama 's administration has expressed willingness to talk to North Korea one-on-one , but only in a context that is directly connected to the six-party talks .

  20. 在现政权战败投降的情况下,更迭政权是合适的;但若把它当作谈判的前提条件,则会阻碍谈判开展并使战争的爆发变得难以避免。

    It is appropriate after defeat and surrender but as a requirement before negotiations , it stops the talks starting and makes the march to war near inevitable .

  21. 它已被日本、新西兰等国家列为完成TPP谈判的先决条件。

    It has been held out as a precondition by Japan , New Zealand and other TPP countries to concluding the deal .

  22. 这些联盟可以汇集资源,谈判公平的许可条件和价格。

    Those consortia pooled their resources and negotiated fair licenses and prices .

  23. 他们把裁军作为进一步谈判的先决条件。

    They 've made disarmament a precondition for further talks .

  24. 他们正同政府谈判更好的雇佣条件。

    They were negotiating with the government for better terms and conditions of service .

  25. 十二月,谈判破裂。低温条件下絮体破碎再絮凝去除水中颗粒的研究

    In December negotiations broke down . Removal of particles through floc breakage and re-growth at low temperature

  26. 联盟用会员的联合购买力量在其他事项方面谈判出更好的条件,比如医疗保健和养老金方面;

    Instead , it uses its members " combined buying muscle to negotiate better terms for things like health care and pensions .

  27. 这个委员会建议和博科圣地开启对话谈判,但是前提条件是博科圣地要放弃一切形式的暴力并交出他们的武器。

    That committee recommended opening talks with Boko Haram , but only after it renounces all forms of violence and surrenders its arms .

  28. 作为重启相关谈判的一个条件,北京已经同意把几乎所有行业都摆到桌面上,放弃了此前希望保护多个行业不受美国投资冲击的立场。

    As a condition of restarting the talks , Beijing has agreed to put almost all industries on the table , dropping its earlier desire to shelter a large number from American investment .

  29. 美国一直表示,它在外资银行的市场准入政策上,对所有国家一视同仁,因此,不能作为双边贸易谈判中的交换条件,为任何一个国家单独修改政策。

    The US has consistently said that its market entry rules for foreign banks are the same for all countries and cannot be modified for a single nation as a trade-off in bi-lateral trade negotiations .

  30. GPA只是为开放政府采购市场创设了一个谈判场所和提供承诺的条约框架,并要求成员方在此种谈判承诺条件下开放政府采购市场,谈判结果也只在签字成员间生效。

    GPA just offers a place where governments can negotiate and creates a framework of making commitments . It requires Parties to open government procurement market under agreed terms and the negotiation results only apply to signing parties .