
  • 网络Mollen;Moron;Mulien;Morani;Gerald R. Molen;Melun
  1. 今天他为自己的船V莫伦纳而骄傲。

    Today he makes the crossing on the pride of his fleet , the Guy V. Molinari .

  2. 本书主角是英国私家侦探克莫伦·斯特莱克(CormoranStrike),去年在罗琳的《布谷鸟的呼唤》(TheCuckoo’sCalling)中首度登场;小说家欧文·奎恩的妻子利奥诺拉·奎恩(LeonoraQuine)长相俗气,她雇用斯特莱克寻找失踪的老公。

    Leonora Quine , the dowdy wife of the novelist Owen Quine , hires our hero , the British private detective Cormoran Strike ( first seen last year in Rowling 's " The Cuckoo 's Calling " ) , to investigate the disappearance of her husband .

  3. 科技网站Engadget的高级移动资讯编辑布拉德・莫伦(BradMolen)认为:“在当今世界,翻盖手机在可预见的未来会有一席之地。翻盖手机不会消失――它们只是换上了不同的形式而已。”

    There will be a place for flip phones in today 's world for the foreseeable future , ' said Brad Molen , senior mobile editor at the technology website Engadget . ' Flip phones aren 't going away -- they 're just taking different forms . '

  4. 你什么时候开始为莫伦打工的,斯坦利?

    Since when are you working for moran , stanley ?

  5. 李·莫伦你被捕了

    Lee Moran , you 're under arrest . Oh , come on .

  6. 莫伦科普夫拥有电气工程学学位。

    His background is in electrical engineering .

  7. 在李·莫伦车里发现的那件带血帽衫并不是他的

    The bloody hoodie they found in Lee Moran 's car didn 't belong to Lee Moran .

  8. 当它通过纽约拥挤的港口,莫伦纳承载着电子救生用品、避碰系统。

    As it moves through New York 's crowded harbour , the Molinari carries an electronic life preserver , the collision avoidance system .

  9. 莫伦霍特别吃惊,因为他曾经认为巴特对柯帕乌的友谊可能是绊脚石。

    Mollenhauer in particular was surprised , for he had been looking on Butler 's friendship for Cowperwood as a possible stumbling block .

  10. 次日,高通宣布莫伦科普夫将接任首席执行官一职,当然是在高通,而不是微软。

    The following morning , it was announced that Mollenkopf would indeed ascend to the CEO spot & but at Qualcomm , not Microsoft .

  11. 听我的共同创始人布莱恩•莫伦说,他过去工作过的一家公司常常举办“签字聚会”,让所有相关方都飞到同一个地方。

    My co-founder Brian Moran told me that a former employer used to hold " signing parties , " where every involved party flew to a single location .

  12. 对方只有一脚远射,被雷纳没收,随后莫伦打入了个人的第二球使利物浦的优势进一步扩大。

    One long-range strike from Gueye , caught easily by Reina , was all they could muster before Morientes grabbed his second goal and Liverpool 's third on the night to put the match beyond Sofia 's reach .