
  • 网络The Mozart Effect
  1. 实验2考察了莫扎特效应的可靠性。

    Experiment 2 investigated the existence of Mozart effect .

  2. 莫扎特效应的提出引起了研究者、公众和媒体的广泛兴趣。

    Mozart effect have received widespread attention in researchers , the public , and the news media .

  3. 国外诸多研究者对莫扎特效应及这种效应的神经生理、心理机制等问题进行了实证研究,国内也出现了很多综述性的文章。

    Foreign researchers do many empirical studies on the validity of Mozart effect and the mechanism of this effect .

  4. 之前的研究还发现,他的作品对提高认知能力有很大帮助,科学家将这种现象称为莫扎特效应。

    Previous studies have found that his compositions provide cognitive benefits and scientists have referred to this as the ' Mozart Effect ' .

  5. 测试作业的难度对效应的发现有着重要的影响,使用难度相对较高的测试题将有助于发现莫扎特效应。

    The difficulty of the task is important to Mozart effect , and using more difficult items will facilitated to find Mozart effect .

  6. 一份发表在儿科学期刊的报告说,这项研究是否探明了莫扎特效应或一般音乐的潜在益处,还尚不确定。

    A report , published in the journal Pediatrics , said it was also still unclear whether the study has detected a " Mozart effect " or a potential benefit of music in general .

  7. 国外的研究中虽然提出唤醒可能是莫扎特效应的产生机制,但大多采用自评量表的形式让被试对自己的唤醒水平做主观评定,采用仪器实际测量被试生理唤醒水平的研究较为少见。

    Though the foreign researchers proposed that arousal may be a factor that could influence Mozart effect , but they often let the participants using self-report inventory to evaluate their arousal level subjectively . There are few researches using apparatus to measure participants ' arousal level directly .

  8. 一种看法是,莫扎特效应的研究启发人们从多个角度思考促进脑功能发展的途径和方法,并使人们日益认识到音乐在脑潜力开发中可能具有的一定价值。

    One of the views is that the research on Mozart effect enlightened people to consider the way and the method of promoting the development of brain functions , and such research make people realized the possible importance of music on exploiting the potential ability of brain .