
  • 网络Image memory;iconic memory;Eidetic Memory;Graphic Memory
  1. 类噪声混沌编码在图像联想记忆中的应用研究

    The Application of Noise Like Chaotic Coding in Image Associative Memory

  2. 一种基于类噪声混沌编码的图像联想记忆

    A kind of image associative memory based on noise-like chaotic coding

  3. 而且,这些关于历史图像的记忆中充满了非常特别的个人经历,有些甚至是令人难以置信的。

    These memories with historical image abound with unique personal experience , and some might be beyond belief .

  4. 对源文本给接受者的图像化记忆的分析,目的是揭示戏仿文学采取图像化叙事的内在动因。

    Through the analysis of pictorialization memory of source text to the receiver , the inner motivation of pictorialization narrative of parody literature is revealed .

  5. 应该是高清图像式记忆,我说过好几遍了,最近一次是去年5月7日中午午餐期间,你吃了火鸡还抱怨太干了。

    Photographic is a misnomer . I have an eidetic memory as Ive told you many times , most recently last year at lunch on the afternoon of May 7th . You had turkey and complained it was dry .

  6. 本文是在MBAM的基础上,提出了一种利用动态核的形态联想记忆网络,其目的是解决含有任意随机噪声图像的联想记忆问题。

    Number of associative memory networks applied for gray-scale images with random noise is few . Based on MBAM , morphological associative memories of dynamic kernel is presented in this paper .

  7. 当你使用图像时,记忆更有效。请看托尼的书:《运用你的记忆》和《掌握你的记忆》。

    The memory works more effectively when it uses images .

  8. 同时目前可用于灰度图像的联想记忆网络还不多见,而能处理含有随机噪声的灰度图像的方法就更少见。

    Recently , there are not many associative memory networks applied for gray-scale images .

  9. 这种记忆系统包括创建10个图像来用作记忆链接。

    This memory system involves first creating 10 images to use as memory hooks .

  10. 他通过在大脑中形成图像而产生记忆,然而这似乎影响了他的智力。

    He remembered things by picturing them in his mind and this , it seems , hindered his intellect .

  11. 此方法加入了动态核的思想,使之在对含有随机噪声的二值图像的联想记忆中仍能得到正确的联想记忆结果。

    In this method , which is added with dynamic kernel , can be applied flexibly to recognize the image with random noise .

  12. 实验结果表明:①信息量对静态图像的短时记忆有显著影响,目标信息量越少,回忆正确率越高;

    The results showed that both visual angle and the quantity of the target stimulus affected performance of short-term memory of static images .

  13. 所有志愿者在研究的开始和结束时,通过测试来评估各种类型的记忆,其中包括注意力、对单词和语言的口头记忆和对图像的视觉记忆。

    All volunteers took tests that assessed various types of memory-including attention , verbal memory for words and language , and visual memory for images-at the beginning and end of the study .

  14. 电脑与互联网并非提供给我们新鲜的事物,而是融合了文字、声音、图像等人工记忆的所有技术手段,共同创造出一种前所未有的,更加强烈地唤起我们记忆的综合体。

    Computers and the Internet , rather than offering something new , combine all our technological means of artificial memory – text , sound and image – to create a synthesis that can recall memories more intensely than anything before .

  15. 然而旧的图像和新的记忆在情感上是相联系的。

    But the old and new images are emotionally related .

  16. 图像检索中基于记忆存储的相关反馈技术研究

    Research on Image Retrieval Based on Relevance Feedback Related to Memory Storage Technology

  17. 本文在上述动态核方法的基础上进行了改进和修改,进而把他推广应用到了灰度图像中的联想记忆和识别之中,并且也取得了比较理想的结果。

    In this paper , the method of dynamic kernel is also applied to gray-scale images , and achieves ideal results .

  18. 因此,两个个体之间的关系,无论远近,都是图像、符号和记忆之间的关系。

    So the relationship between two individuals , very close together or very far , is a relationship of images , symbols , memories .

  19. 由于其特有的并行、分布式特点,人工神经网络在处理形象思维、语音图像识别以及联想记忆等模糊信息时具有很大的优势。

    Because of its parallel and distributing specialties , artificial neural network has great advantages on dealing with the information of visual thinking voice and image recognition , associative memory .

  20. 增强记忆力的一些方式包括:把想记的东西和图像联系并且反复记忆;不要同时处理多件事。

    A couple of ways to improve your memory include attaching an image to something you want to remember and practicing memorizing it over and over again , and avoiding multitasking .