
yān yǐn
  • a craving for tobacco;tobacco;craving for opium;smoking habit
烟瘾 [yān yǐn]
  • (1) [craving for tobacco]∶吸烟的瘾

  • (2) [craving for opium]∶吸鸦片烟的瘾

烟瘾[yān yǐn]
  1. 谢林试图戒除烟瘾已经有多年时间了。

    Schelling had spent years trying to kick his tobacco addiction .

  2. 可是,又过了近两个月,烟瘾又上来了。

    But , and then lead two months , the desire for tobacco came up again .

  3. 她的烟瘾大。

    She smokes heavily .

  4. 他一直未能戒除烟瘾。

    He has never conquered his addiction to smoking .

  5. 会给你一些含少量尼古丁的药片帮你戒除烟瘾。

    You are given pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from cigarettes

  6. 他努力克制自己的烟瘾,不去抽一支戒掉没多久的雪茄。

    He fought with the urge to smoke one of the cigars he 'd given up awhile ago

  7. 他烟瘾发了。

    He 's dying for a smoke .

  8. 他烟瘾很大。

    He 's a heavy smoker .

  9. 这好比是不吸烟者由于二手烟而患了癌症,而烟瘾大的人却足够幸运的保持健康。

    This is much like a non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke , while the heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smoke in good health .

  10. 要一位有多年烟瘾的烟民戒烟是困难的。

    It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco .

  11. 此外,Martin还认为,“每当烟瘾重犯、伸手掏烟时,你应该先想一想:啥事儿让我变得紧张了?从而克制住这种情绪。”因为吸烟是一种下意识缓解压力的习惯。

    In addition , Martin says to " assess what triggers your stress and control that first before you reach for your puffer " since smoking is often a mindless , stress-relieving habit .

  12. 该结果指出需要家庭支持、劝告和药物治疗帮助病人和/或家庭照顾者解除烟瘾,选择健康的生活方式,Weaver说。

    The findings point to the need for family support , counseling and medication to help patients and / or family caregivers overcome their addiction and adopt healthy lifestyle choices , said Weaver .

  13. 我念大学时染上烟瘾。

    I got addicted to cigarettes while I was in college .

  14. 当你犯烟瘾的时候准备一些事情去做。

    Prepare a list of things to do when a craving hits .

  15. 有烟瘾的西西希望电子香烟能帮自己戒掉这个习惯。

    Cici is hoping electronic cigarettes can help her kick the habit .

  16. 不可治愈的疾病;不可救药的烟瘾。

    An incurable disease ; an incurable addiction to smoking .

  17. 可以尝试用替代品来帮助你克服烟瘾。

    Invest in products that help wean you off your nicotine addiction .

  18. 天还没黑,这么快就起烟瘾了?

    It 's still daylight and you 're smoking already ?

  19. 激光戒断烟瘾的效果如何?

    How effective is laser therapy for smoking cessation ?

  20. 是的,烟瘾大的人更可能患肺癌。烟龄长短有关系吗?

    Yes : heavy smokers are more likely to suffer from lung cancer .

  21. 电子烟可能会比尼古丁贴片或口香糖更快地帮助吸烟者戒掉烟瘾。

    E-cigarettes may help smokers quit more efficiently than nicotine patches or gum .

  22. 对某些人来说,戒掉烟瘾需要几年时间。

    For some people it takes years to lose the craving for nicotine .

  23. 为了尽量减少你的烟瘾,改变你的常规生活。

    To minimize cravings , change your routine .

  24. 皮尔斯的研究结果同时显示,在每一代人中,烟瘾大的人数都在减少。

    Pierce also shows that there are fewer heavy smokers in each new generation .

  25. 一旦染上烟瘾,就很难戒除。

    Once you get addicted to smoking , it 's very hard to quit .

  26. 结论:国产安非他酮缓释片是一种安全、有一定疗效的戒除尼古丁依赖(烟瘾)的药物。

    CONCLUSION : Bupropion SR is an effective and safe agent for smoking cessation .

  27. 亨利烟瘾很大,每天最少吸五包。

    Henry is a chain smoker , smoking at least five packs a day .

  28. 那年晚些时候,烟瘾很重的哈维尔也患上了癌症。

    Later that year Havel , a heavy smoker , was struck by cancer .

  29. 和一个烟瘾很大的人相处是一件很难的事情。

    It is very difficult to get used to working with a heavy smoker .

  30. 我的朋友烟瘾很重。

    My friend 's a chain smoker .