
yān cǎo cuì liè bìnɡ dú
  • tobacco rattle virus
  1. 在组培苗中检测到3种病毒粒体:PVX、PVY及类似烟草脆裂病毒(TRV)的短样杆状粒体。

    The result of detecting is 3 kinds of virus particles in potato tissue cultural seedlings of free-virus : PVX 、 PVY and a kind of short-straight particle that is similar to Tobacco Rattle Virus ( TRV ) .

  2. 水仙上分离出的烟草脆裂病毒的鉴定

    The identification of tobacco rattle virus isolated from Narcissus in Fujian

  3. 当人们发现引起这种病害是一种病毒时,便称它为烟草脆裂病毒。

    When the cause of the disease was found to be a virus it was named tobacco rattle virus .

  4. 通过离体番茄果实的真空渗透,活体果实的果实表面,果柄和果茎注射等方式侵染番茄果实,烟草脆裂病毒在番茄果实中能有效的复制和转移。

    We report that either by syringe-infiltrating the TRV-vector into the surface , stem or carpopodium of a tomato fruit attached to the plant or by vacuum-infiltrating into a tomato fruit detached from the plant , TRV can efficiently spread and replicate in the tomato fruit .