
  • 网络Turandot;I'm not me
  1. 我想要两张《图兰朵》的票。

    I 'd like two tickets for turandot .

  2. 图兰朵之法国源流考

    The French Origin of Turandot

  3. 文章从歌剧《图兰朵》的人物塑造与剧情安排、和声与配器等方面分析了歌剧《图兰朵》的艺术特色。

    This essay makes an analysis on aspects of figure-creation , plot-arrangement , harmonic and orchestration in .

  4. 嘿,凯瑟琳,你买到张艺谋执导的《图兰朵》的票了吗?

    Linda : Hey , Catherine , have you got the ticket about Turandot directed by Zhang Yimou ?

  5. 另外,由著名电影导演张艺谋执导的大制作&普契尼的《图兰朵》也一度因为被视为侮辱中国而被在中国禁演。

    That production was a Western import that was once banned in this country because it was deemed insulting to China .

  6. 正如你或许所知,图兰朵是一位美丽但冷血的艳丽公主,她将那些被爱迷惑了的王子们引诱至死。

    As you probably know , Turandot is the beautiful cold-hearted femme fatale princess who lures love-struck princes to their death .

  7. 实际上,《图兰朵》是西方人理解的中国,而不是真正的中国的歌剧,你不这样认为吗?

    Actually , Turandot is really more European interpretation of China rather than a genuine Chinese opera . don 't you think so ?

  8. 《图兰朵》源自波斯的天方夜谭,无涉中国,不喜欢中国的高齐移花接木,硬编出个残酷的中国公主的荒唐故事。

    Originated from Persian Arabian Night , Turandot has no relationship with China but a ridiculous story about a Chinese princess was made up .

  9. 歌剧中图兰朵与柳儿是两个重要的女性人物,她们的身份地位、性格相差甚远。

    In this opera , turandot and liu are two important feminine characters , there is a sharp difference between their status and disposition .

  10. 在音乐方面,国家大剧院版的《图兰朵》似乎也尽力将到访的意大利人安置到中国人所能提供的最佳位置。

    Musically , too , much of the NCPA 's Turandot seemed geared towards placing visiting Italians among the best that China has to offer .

  11. 尽管图兰朵大获成功,但一直无法治愈的咽喉病已经严重影响到了普契尼的创作才能。

    With his score for Turandot , this creative impasse is aggravated by the anxiety caused by a throat condition that doctors are unable to cure .

  12. 歌剧经典作品《图兰朵》是意大利作曲家普契尼最后一部歌剧作品,是唯一以印象派技法写作的意大利歌剧,该剧讲述的是发生在中国元朝时的一个传奇故事。

    This work is the only Italian opera which used the impressionist technique . The play is about a legend happened in China when the Yuan Dynasty .

  13. 高二年级的学生对《威尼斯商人》、《图兰朵》等经典剧目进行了改编,并且用英文演出。

    Students of senior grade 2 revised some classical works themselves , such as " Merchant of Venice " and " Turandot ", and performed them in English .

  14. “柳儿”是普契尼在其未竟的“天鹅之歌”&歌剧《图兰朵》中成功塑造的歌剧形象,也是闻名世界的经典歌剧形象之一。

    Liu is not only a successfully portrayed figure in Puccini 's unfinished opera songs of swine & Turandot , but also one of the world-renowned classical operatic figures .

  15. 正如一位熟悉《图兰朵》的观众所说,超一流的翻译,不只要准确,还必须生动饱满不过,她也指出,本剧的翻译明显落后于表演。

    The supertitle translations , as one audience member familiar with the opera explained , were not just accurate but flavourful though she also pointed out that they noticeably lagged behind the performance .

  16. 第二章是普契尼及其歌剧《图兰朵》。文章分为三部分,第一部分主要是概述普契尼的生平及其著名歌剧,并认真分析歌剧《图兰朵》的创作心理和艺术特色。

    The chapter can be divided into two parts : the first deals with the general introduction of Puccini and his opera , then with the analysis of the creative psychology and its artistic characteristic of Turandot .