
  • 网络puccini;TOSCA;Giacomo Puccini
  1. 多年来弗雷尼一直是普契尼歌剧女主角的最佳表演者之一。

    Over the years Freni has been one of the supreme interpreters of Puccini 's heroines .

  2. 本季剧目包括易卜生(Ibsen)的《玩偶之家》(ADoll’sHouse)和普契尼(Puccini)的《托斯卡》(Tosca)。

    This season 's productions include Ibsen 's " A Doll 's House " and Puccini 's " Tosca . "

  3. 至少可以说,多年以来,中国与普契尼(Puccini)最后一出歌剧之间的关系始终是错综复杂的。

    Over the years , China 's relationship with Puccini 's last opera has been complicated , to say the least .

  4. 普契尼一直以来都是以塑造女性人物见长。

    Puccini has always been famous for portraying the feminine characters .

  5. 隐性的遥契:《西厢记》与《伪君子》的叙事话语叙事性与咏叹调&以普契尼两首歌剧咏叹调为例

    The Narrativity and Aria & Taking Roberto Puccini 's two opera arias for examples

  6. 他曾与伯恩斯坦一起计划拍摄一部业余的电影,改编自普契尼的歌剧托斯卡。

    He made a home movie take-off of Puccini 's Tosca with Leonard Bernstein .

  7. 普契尼凭着他对中国的朦胧认识,进行了更大胆的构思。

    Puccini , with his flimsy knowledge of China , took even greater liberties .

  8. 其他还有珀塞尔、瓦格纳、威尔地、普契尼和理查德·斯特劳斯。

    Among others are Purcell , Wagner , Verdi , Puccini , and Richard Strauss .

  9. 从《艺术家的生涯》看普契尼歌剧的艺术特色

    Looking at art features of Giacomo Puccini 's operas from The Career of the Artist

  10. 谈谈歌剧作曲家普契尼的创作风格

    About the Creative Style of Puccini

  11. 普契尼的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》是一个明显带有东方主义痕迹的文本。

    Puccini 's opera , Madame Butterfly , is a text with the ostensible properties of Orientalism .

  12. 当然,卢卡以普契尼的出生地而闻名。

    The town is famous , too , of course , for having been the birthplace of Puccini .

  13. 负责这场歌剧策划的“爱尔兰歌剧”公司计划将在押犯们的劳动成果用于他们今年11月中旬对普契尼那部著名歌剧的演出中。

    Opera Ireland plans to use the finished products in its staging of Puccini'a most famous work in mid-November .

  14. 普契尼,这部歌剧蝴蝶夫人的作曲家经常派蛋糕他的导演托斯卡尼尼的圣诞节。

    Puccini , the composer of the Opera Madame Butterfly often sent a cake to his director Toscanini at Christmas .

  15. 歌剧迷及大款们正莅临北京,只为张艺谋执导的普契尼《图兰多》的隆重登。

    Opera fans and fat cats are descending on Beijing for Zhang yimou 's lavish staging of puccini 's turandot .

  16. 另外,由著名电影导演张艺谋执导的大制作&普契尼的《图兰朵》也一度因为被视为侮辱中国而被在中国禁演。

    That production was a Western import that was once banned in this country because it was deemed insulting to China .

  17. 三幕歌剧《托斯卡》是一部享誉世界的作品,它是普契尼真实主义歌剧的代表作。

    The three-act opera " Tosca " is a world-renowned works , it is the true doctrine ofPuccini ' sopera masterpiece .

  18. 普契尼对意大利歌剧的发展做出了巨大的贡献,是真实主义歌剧乐派的代表人物之一。

    Puccini made a great contribution to the development of Italy opera , is a representative of " realism " opera .

  19. 普契尼的歌剧多取材于现实生活抒发了青年男女真挚的感情。

    Putzerne 's operas , mostly based on the real life , described the sincere feeling of the young boys and girls .

  20. 于是我在卢卡到处逛,说意大利语问路:请告诉我普契尼之家在哪?

    So I wander through Lucca , asking directions in Italian , Can you tell me where is the house of Puccini ?

  21. 在普契尼的歌剧作品中,戏剧效果和音乐效果相融合,达到了完美的统一。

    In his works , music and opera are in harmony , perfectly combining the musical effects with dramatic effects of the operas .

  22. 普契尼,意大利著名的歌剧作曲家,世界上最杰出的、最受人推崇的作曲家之一。

    Puccini is a famous Italian opera composer , also one of the most excellent and the most highly praised composer all over the world .

  23. 在远离其公众(生活时),普契尼是个极为害羞的人,而其跌荡的家庭生活给予他一段段黑暗的忧郁。

    Away from his public , Puccini was a painfully shy man , given to periods of black depression accentuated by a stormy family life .

  24. 在普契尼的歌剧作品中,成功塑造了一系列女性人物形象,成为其歌剧作品的最大亮点。

    In the operas by Puccini , the depicting of female image is typical , and has become the most brightest spot in his opera .

  25. 在这部歌剧中,普契尼注重人物性格的刻画,强调声乐的重要作用,讲究戏剧性和感染性。

    In the opera , Puccini paid attention to the character , and emphasized the important role of vocal music , pursuing dramatic and infectious .

  26. 尽管图兰朵大获成功,但一直无法治愈的咽喉病已经严重影响到了普契尼的创作才能。

    With his score for Turandot , this creative impasse is aggravated by the anxiety caused by a throat condition that doctors are unable to cure .

  27. 歌剧经典作品《图兰朵》是意大利作曲家普契尼最后一部歌剧作品,是唯一以印象派技法写作的意大利歌剧,该剧讲述的是发生在中国元朝时的一个传奇故事。

    This work is the only Italian opera which used the impressionist technique . The play is about a legend happened in China when the Yuan Dynasty .

  28. 在演唱或教学处理普契尼男高音咏叹调时,应该把握如下要求:情感到位;

    When dealing with the tenor part of Puccini 's aria in singing or teaching practice , one should try to meet the following requirements : appropriateness of feelings ;

  29. 叙事性与咏叹调以普契尼两首歌剧咏叹调为例诗中咏柳知多少对咏柳题材古典诗歌的赏析

    The Narrativity and Aria Taking Roberto Puccini 's two opera arias for examples Comprehension Intoning Willow in the Poems Appreciate Classical Poesies about the Subject Matter of Intoning Willow

  30. “柳儿”是普契尼在其未竟的“天鹅之歌”&歌剧《图兰朵》中成功塑造的歌剧形象,也是闻名世界的经典歌剧形象之一。

    Liu is not only a successfully portrayed figure in Puccini 's unfinished opera songs of swine & Turandot , but also one of the world-renowned classical operatic figures .