
  1. 对于弦乐艺术来说,十九世纪的西方是一个重要的历史阶段,随着浪漫主义乐派音乐的日趋成熟,小提琴的音乐创作及发展也进入了全盛时期。

    In the nineteenth century , for the string art , the West is an important historical period . With the maturity of the Romantic Music , the violin music creation and development entered its peak .

  2. 通过本曲,可以了解柴科夫斯基在古典主义音乐、浪漫主义音乐和民族乐派中的地位和作用。

    Through this tune , we may understand the status and the function of Tchaikovsky in the classicism music , romanticism music and the nationalism music .

  3. 爱德华·格里格是十九世纪欧洲浪漫主义时期北欧民族乐派的杰出代表之一,是挪威民族乐派的奠基人。

    Edward Grieg was one of the outstanding representatives of Nordic Nationalism during the 19th century European Romanticism , and he was the founder of Norwegian Nationalism .