
  • 网络romantic wedding
  1. 浪漫的婚礼是每对新人的憧憬,而实现这般梦幻是我们的专业!

    Every newly-wed longs for a romantic wedding , and it 's our responsibility to realize their wishes !

  2. 如果你们正在准备结婚,想知道怎样举办浪漫的婚礼,可以观看这段视频。

    If you are getting married and want to know how to have a romantic wedding , watch this video .

  3. 你是否总是梦想在落日余辉笼罩的海岛上举行浪漫的婚礼?

    Have you always dreamed of getting hitched on a romantic sunset-washed island ?

  4. 听一首浪漫的婚礼曲足以令人感动落泪——甚至是一个才两岁大的小萝莉。

    Listening to a romantic wedding song can be enough to reduce anyone to tears - even a two-year-old girl .

  5. 本视频将会为了提供全方位的建议,从婚纱布料,到发型设计等等各方面,让你享受最浪漫的婚礼。

    This video will give you hints about everything from the right fabric for your dress , to the way you should wear your hair to make your wedding come across as romantic as possible !

  6. 这位在《蝙蝠侠3》中惊艳亮相的大美人,将在风光旖旎的加州海边小镇举行一场非常浪漫的婚礼仪式。周五晚,这对新人将通过一场提前进行的彩排晚宴来庆祝婚礼的到来。

    The Batman beauty will walk down the aisle during a romantic ceremony in the picturesque California coastal town and will be starting celebrations Friday night with a rehearsal dinner . What will she wear for her big day ?

  7. 效仿她同时代的娜塔莉•波特曼,去年8月嫁给了她长期以来的未婚夫本杰明•米派德,海瑟薇雇用了婚礼策划人中的天才专家YifatOren负责完成这浪漫优雅的婚礼。

    Following suit with her contemporary Natalie Portman , who married her longtime fiancee Benjamin Millepied last August , Hathaway employed the expert talents of wedding planner Yifat Oren to pull off the elegant affair .

  8. 电影中浪漫的游轮婚礼将在重庆变为现实。

    The romantic wedding on cruise in movies will become reality in Chongqing .

  9. 在她们浪漫美好的婚礼之后仅3个月,基腾在接受捐精者的精子人工受精后怀孕了。

    It was only three months after their beautiful wedding day that Kitten fell pregnant , after undergoing IVF treatment using a sperm donor .

  10. CUPhotography唯一的宗旨就是拍摄有趣、浪漫而艺术的婚礼和订婚照片,无论这是在墨西哥充满异国情调的海景房,还是在艾伯塔乡下的社区会堂。

    CU Photography has a solitary goal which is to create fun , romantic and artistic wedding and engagement photographs , whether at an exotic beach front in Mexico , or a community hall in rural Alberta .

  11. 帕克的发言人在描述这场婚礼时称,这是一个“充满着浪漫与魔幻的婚礼”。《福布斯》曾估算过帕克的身价为20亿美元。帕克曾于1999年与伙伴共同创立了音乐分享网站Napster。

    Parker 's representative described it as a " romantic , magical setting , " Forbes has estimated the wealth of Parker , who also co-founded music sharing site Napster in 1999 , at $ 2 billion .

  12. 而且馆内还可举行浪漫神秘的海底婚礼。

    The museum also held a romantic and mysterious undersea wedding .