
jiào chǎng
  • drill ground
校场 [jiào chǎng]
  • [drill ground] 旧时操练、演习或比武的场地

校场[jiào chǎng]
  1. 艾莉亚爬上窗台,在他身边坐下,下面校场上的铿锵响声顿时传入耳中。

    Arya climbed up on the window and sat beside him , to a chorus of thuds and grunts from the yard below .

  2. 位于皇家骑兵卫队校场的沙滩排球馆已经为今天的各项开幕赛事做好了准备,将奉献出撩人的视觉盛宴。

    The spectacular beach volleyball stadium on Horse Guards Parade was being prepared for the opening matches today and there was a tantalising taste of what will be on show .

  3. 某校体育运动场边坡因场地平整引起多次滑坡。

    A college stadium slope owing to site grading arouses numerous landslides .