
  1. 总结并探索了桥梁震害的预测方法,包括经验统计法、规范校校法、Pushover法和大跨度桥梁震害预测方法。

    Seismic damage assessment methods for bridges including cable - stayed / suspension bridges are summarized and improved with experience of earthquake damage , seismic code and pushover analysis .

  2. 从威斯康星服务思想看我校校地互动特色培育

    The Special Cultivation Model as Interaction between Taizhou University and Local Organizations from Service Ideology of Wisconsin

  3. 区域教育信息资源库建设方案的比较研究&校校建库与共建中心资源库方案的比较

    The Comparative Research of Construction Projects of Regional Educational Information Resource Base & Comparison of Construction Projects between Building Information Resource Base Respectively by School and Sharing Central Resource Base Collectively

  4. 由于各校的教学管理理念和体制不同,教学资源拥有情况不同,所以市面上很难找到一个适合我校校情的系统,论文基于我校实际,设计出了一套合适的学籍管理系统。

    Because of different teaching resource , different the concept and institution of teaching management for each school , so it is difficult to find a suitable software of enrollment management for our school on the market .

  5. 另一部分为某高校大学生三年(2005年1月&2007年12月)的住院费用资料,资料来源于某校校医院及学生医疗管理办公室,共520份数据。

    Another part for a three-year college students ( 2005.1 - 2007.12 ) of the hospitalization costs of information , information from a school and students in medical school hospital management office , a total of 520 copies of the data .

  6. 分别从教师和学生的角度对我校校定公共选修课程进行问卷调查,并就调查结果进行总结分析,找出我校校定公共选修课中存在的问题,提出改革的意见和建议。

    This paper analyzes the responses of students and teachers to a questionnaire concerning our university 's optional courses , puts forward suggestions as to the solutions to the problems reflected in the survey and to the reformation of the optional courses .

  7. 高校档案馆如何利用实物档案发挥爱校荣校的教育功能

    Educational Function of College Archives Using Real Object Archives to Arouse School Loving and Honoring

  8. 高校应依靠人才兴校强校,以科学的人才观指导人才强校战略;

    The higher educational institutes will not develop without the talents and the guide strategy of scientific talents idea .

  9. 特困企业子弟校家校合作提高学生心理素质的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Family and School 's Cooperative Education to Improve Extra-poor Company Employees ' Children 's Psychological Quality

  10. 组织一些校内足球比赛、校与校之间的友谊赛,这样可以丰富同学们的业余文化生活,吸引更多的人参与其中。

    Organization football match , the school some campus friendly with school , between classmates such can enrich amateur cultural life , attract more people involved .

  11. 3无锡市高职院校的体育场地设施有了一定的改善,基本满足学校开展职业实用性体育教学的条件,但校与校之间的场馆条件还有一定的不均衡。

    Wuxi vocational college sports facilities there had been some improvements , meet the school "' practical physical " teaching conditions , but between the school and school facility conditions and a certain imbalance . 4 .

  12. 随着计划生育和外出打工导致的生源减少,已经造成学校招生规模人数的不断缩小,拆校并校的情况已不少见。

    With the source decrease caused by the family planning and work outside the home , has caused the number of school enrollment size is shrinking , the demolition of the school and the school has a lot to see .

  13. 近期的运行实践表明系统拥有直观、形象的运行显示界面,简单方便的操作功能,对校园导航、校容校貌展示、招生宣传和校园信息化管理等都起到了积极的作用。

    The system trial runs for a session of time and it shows that it has an intuitive display interface , easily operational fuctions , have a positive role in campus navigation , school propagation , enrollment and campus information management .

  14. 方法:在对成都市两所高校(A校、B校)1613名大学生吸烟行为及其影响因素调查的基础上进行了4个月的健康教育干预。

    Methods : Through a 4-month health-education intervention based on investigation and analysis of the smoking behavior and influence factors among 1613 students of two colleges ( couege A and college B ) in Chengdu .

  15. 高灵敏度气相色谱仪的调校,对调校柱有很高的要求。

    Testing highly sensitive gas chromatographs has strict demand on chromatographic columns .

  16. 778光电经纬仪的标校及其标校装置

    The Adjustment and Adjusting Device for 778 Photo-Electrical Theodolite

  17. 所以我才会特别注意转入我校的转校生

    So I keep a special interest in the transfer students that come to this school .

  18. 这个星期,大学教授被派到我校来对校领导和骨干老师进行培训。

    The college professors are sent to my school to train our administrators and lead teachers this week .

  19. 流动社群与跨国教育:以近代晋江籍菲侨创办的华校与侨校为例

    Immigrant Community and Transnational Education : A Study of Chinese Schools Founded by Philippines Overseas Chinese from Jinjiang in Modern Period

  20. 南戏研究的进一步深入和不断出现的语言研究成果表明其中亦存在失校、误校、误注、释义不确等问题。

    With further study of it , indicates there also exists problems such as missing collation , missed collation , missed notes , not correct interpretation etc.

  21. 由于不明俗字俗语,在白话小说整理过程中,常常出现失校、误校、擅改的情况。

    In collating the novels in the vernacular , errors often occurred in the wrong use of words , missing of words and wrong choice of words .

  22. 据《北京青年报》消息,南开大学今年招收的女生人数超过男生,在该校男女同校办学的91年历史中尚属首次。

    Newly enrolled female students exceeded males this year for the first time in the91-year history of coeducation at Nankai University , the Beijing Youth Daily reports .

  23. 手动校准,用一个功能键选择校时、校分功能,用另一功能键调校对应时、分数值。

    Manual calibration , using a function button to select the school , the school hours functions , corresponding with another function key set , the score values .

  24. 注:本表未含技工校、工读校、成人学校、攻读硕士博士学位的在职人员及网络教育数据。

    Note : Basic statistics excluded data of skilled workers'schools , reformatory schools , adult schools , incumbent learning for Master and Doctor 's degree and network education .

  25. 第二,第一章的第一节对中华书局点校本《梁书》的失校和误校之处进行勘正,其中包括标点和文字校勘,以及史实考辨。

    We check and correct the errors in the version of the Zhonghua Press , including punctuations , words and historical facts in the first section of the first chapter .

  26. 另一方面,台师大教育学院院长晏涵文今天宣布,将先选择偏远拟并校或废校的国中小学1~2校,规划为台师大的实验学校。

    On the other hand , president of National Taiwan Normal university , College of education , Han-wen yen announced that they will choose one to two elementary schools or junior high schools in remote areas to set up experimental schools of their university .

  27. 根据北京市教育委员会发布的一份声明,西城、东城、海淀、朝阳、石景山、丰台这6个人口稠密城区至少各有3所普通校或薄弱校将与优质校合并。

    According to a statement by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission , at least three mediocre or low-quality schools in each of the six densely populated districts - Xicheng , Dongcheng , Haidian , Chaoyang , Shijingshan and Fengtai - will be merged with high-quality counterparts .

  28. 论述GPS时间精度,校表台自动校时系统的接线,给出了软件清单。

    The paper dissertates GPS time accuracy and the interface of the automatic time adjustment system showing you the flow chart of software .

  29. 建立新型的编校关系与编校合作模式用UML为关系数据库查询操作建模研究

    A New Relationship and Cooperation Model between Editors and Proofreaders DESIGN DYNAMIC MODELING OF SELECT OPERATION IN RELATIONAL DATABASE BASED ON UML

  30. 大多数轿车,四驱轿车和卡车的汽油和柴油发动机调校,ECU调校,ECU重测图和芯片调校。

    Petrol and Diesel Performance Tuning , ECU Tuning , ECU remapping and Chip Tuning for most production cars , 4x4 's and vans .