
In order to meet the need for further research on the evaluation and optimization of power systems , a quantitative evaluation method was developed on the basis of the active check criteria , applying fuzzy mathematics and the AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process ) method .
Because of abundance of heavy rainstorms and dense population in China , the probable maximum flood should be used in the design criterion of dam safety .
MANAGEMENT AND PREPARATION OF WELDING DOCUMENTS It can be used for analysis of the steel structures of railway , bridge , mechanical , ship etc.
The weighing instrument detecting device has the advantage that the big quality standard weights can be checked without big balances , ensuring the detection of big balance .
The real-time calculation and analysis of short-circuit current based on EMS were introduced . The cal -
According to content of evaluation framework , evaluation index were sorted into three administrative levels , initial and calibration index in phase of design standard evaluation , precaution index in phase of flooding standard evaluation .