
  • 网络irrigation water use;irrigation water requirements
  1. 北京市农业灌溉用水量是全市水资源的重要组成部分,农业灌溉用水的高效利用对于水资源的可持续利用起到非常重要的作用。

    Agricultural irrigation water use is the main component of the total water use in Beijing . High efficiency use of irrigation water plays a very important role for the sustainable use and development of water resources .

  2. 根据湖北省漳河灌区长系列灌溉用水量、作物产量及灌溉面积等资料,从田间、灌溉系统及整个灌区3个不同尺度分析了漳河灌区历年来灌溉用水量及灌溉水分生产率变化情况。

    With long-term data of irrigation water use , crop yields and irrigated area in Zhanghe Irrigation System ( ZIS ), the irrigation water requirement and water productivity ( WP ) at three different scales ( field , irrigation system , and irrigation district ) were analyzed .

  3. DSS是一个规划工具,通过对不同策略下田间配水及供水系统的模拟分析及综合决策,寻求最优的策略集合,以达到节约灌溉用水量、提高农业用水效率及维持农业可持续发展的目的。

    Using DSS as a planning tool , through simulation analyses of the field conditions , water allocation and supply system and comprehensive decisions , the optimal strategies set is sought in order to save irrigation water , increase agricultural water use efficiency and maintain agricultural sustainable development .

  4. 应用所提模型,对南水北调中线进行农业灌溉用水量的年预报研究,取得了满意结果,由此表明所提模型与方法是合理可行的。

    The result of calculation shows that the model is reasonable .

  5. 区域农业灌溉用水量长期预报模型研究

    Research on Long-term Forecast Model of Regional Irrigation Water Requirement

  6. 灌溉用水量的并联型灰色神经网络预测

    Prediction of irrigation water use using parallel gray neural network

  7. 江苏省旱涝分析及农田灌溉用水量的评估

    Analysis of Droughts and Floods and Estimation of Irrigating Water Requirement in Jiangsu

  8. 河北平原井灌区农户灌溉用水量差异的分析

    Analysis of Irrigation Water Quantity Differences between Farmers in the Well-irrigating Areas of Hebei Plain

  9. 农业灌溉用水量混沌预报模型建立与应用

    Establishment of chaotic forecasting model and its application in forecasting water consumption of agricultural irrigation

  10. 宝鸡峡灌区灌溉用水量的变化趋势分析与思考

    Analysis and Consideration on the Changing Trend of Irrigation Water Consumption in Irrigation Area of Baoji Gorge

  11. 灰色等维新息模型在灌溉用水量预测中的应用研究

    The application research on the gray equal-dimension and new-info model in the prediction of irrigation wate consumption

  12. 新疆的农业是绿洲农业,灌溉用水量占总用水量的94%。

    The agriculture of Xinjiang is oasis agriculture , The rate of irrigating water use is 94 % .

  13. 灌溉用水量的预测影响因素很多,属于灰色系统问题。

    The forecasting of irrigation water use is influenced by many factors and it belongs to the gray system .

  14. 为了节省灌溉用水量,充分利用土壤水,灌水次数不宜过多;

    The time of irrigation might not be suitable overabundance in order to full use of soil water for saving irrigation water ;

  15. 农区灌溉用水量考虑了降雨量、月连续干旱天数以及上一年秋季灌溉用水量的大小以及动态发展特性。

    The amount and dynamic developing feature of precipitation , continuous drought days and irrigating using water quantity in autumn of previous year .

  16. 潍坊市是山东省一个较大的农业地市区,农业灌溉用水量相当大,浪费也普遍严重。

    Weifang City , Shandong Province , a large agricultural to urban , agricultural irrigation , large water and waste are generally serious .

  17. 通过对现有农作物经济效益和灌溉用水量的比较分析,认为额济纳旗种植紫花苜蓿等饲草作物最具优势,可以促进本地区畜牧业的发展。

    It holds that such forage crops as alfalfa being planted in the banner have the edge to enhance the development of animal husbandry .

  18. 灌溉用水量的预测对灌区的灌溉管理起着重要的作用。

    This paper used Elman neural network to establish the model of irrigation water use prediction , having four importing units and exporting units .

  19. 采用可大幅节省灌溉用水量、提升农田灌溉有效系数的节水灌溉技术成为缓解用水危机的重要途径之一。

    Using the water-saving technology which can be used to enhance the effective coefficient of irrigation is an important way to alleviate the water crisis .

  20. 我国是水资源严重短缺的国家之一,又是农业大国,农业用水约占总用水量的70%,其中灌溉用水量占农业用水量的80%。

    As an agricultural country , agricultural water use accounts for70 % of the total water consumption in China , of which four-fifths are for irrigation .

  21. 近年来我国城市建设中绿地建设发展十分迅速,城市绿地灌溉用水量逐年递增,形成了与城市生活用水、工业用水并驾齐驱的第三大城市用水类型。

    With city planting construction accelerating and the increasing volume of urban greenbelt irrigation year by year , water-saving irrigation in greenbelt emerges as the time requires .

  22. 它包括两个方面:一是当渠首可引水量能满足灌区灌溉用水量时,则不需要提水灌溉;

    Two aspects of the problem are discussed : one is that lift irrigation is no need when abstraction volume capability of canal head can meet the demand ;

  23. 现状灌溉用水量减少25%时,作物根区没有产生明显的积盐,地下排水量减少31.4%。

    However , when irrigation application decreased by 25 % the salt accumulation in root zone will not be obvious and the subsurface drainage flow will decrease by 31.4 % .

  24. 得到以下结论:①对于沙质土壤这样透水性大的土壤来说,如果混入人工沸石,可以增大土壤的有效水含量和有效雨量,从而可以减少灌溉用水量。

    The results are showed as follow : ① If Artificial zeolite was mixed into sandy soil , it can increase effective moisture of sandy soil for cutting down irrigation water .

  25. 阶段试验结果表明:地下滴灌可以高效地控制灌溉用水量,对作物的根系、产量及生物量产生直接影响;

    It could change the influence of soil moisture on quantities of root system , dry bio mass of corn and its yield of kernel by controlling irrigation water supply accurately .

  26. 旱育秧比水育秧多栽6.7倍的本田,折合到本田灌溉用水量减少90%以上,节约投资73%;

    And use for dry raising rice seedlings is 6 . 7 times morethan that in water , water used for irrigation is reduced by 90 % , and saves investment of 73 % ;

  27. 目前黑龙江西部地区农业灌溉用水量占到总用水量的80%以上,因此农业用水对于西部地区的水资源状况有着显著的影响。

    Currently in west region accounts for agricultural irrigation water for more than 80 % of the total water consumption , so water for agricultural water situation in the western region has a significant impact .

  28. 而绿洲农业灌溉用水量却大幅增加,在农业可持续健康发展过程中,水供求矛盾已日趋突出,有必要引起高度重视。

    But oasis agricultural irrigation needs greatly water , in the process of sustainable development of agriculture , the contradiction of water supply and demond appears very sharp day by day , so it is necessary to pay special stress on it .

  29. 当今,渠道流量计量设备也是多种多样,选择一种精度较高,操作管理方便,且可以在灌区中大面积推广的灌区灌溉用水量测及管理信息系统成为当务之急。

    Nowadays , there was a variety of channel flow measurement equipments , and how to choose a highly precise , easily operated and managed water irrigation measurement and information controlled system , which can be extended in most irrigation regions has become a top priority .

  30. 信息化系统的使用可依据水位变化和降雨情况合理调配供水量,既提高灌溉用水量测精度,又保障用水量和收费的准确性,实现了水资源的优化配置和高效利用。

    The quantity of water supply is correctly regulated based on the changes of water level and precipitation condition , which is helpful for upgrading precision of irrigated water use and accuracy of water use and water charges collection , finally realizing water resources allocation optimized and high-effective utilization .