
  • 网络shrub swamp
  1. 小兴安岭是我国主要山区湿地分布区之一,区内有草丛沼泽、灌丛沼泽和森林沼泽等多种沼泽湿地类型,因此,在我国湿地研究中占有重要地位。

    Wetlands in Xiaoxing ' an Mountains , which one of the main mountainous wetlands distribution areas , play an important role of the wetlands study in China , because of the diversity wetland types including marshes , thicket swamps and forested swamps .

  2. 鸟类平均密度最高的足盐场虾池生境,为21.4270只/hm2,然后依次是稀树灌丛、芦苇沼泽和农田。

    The sequence of density was : salt field and shrimp pond habitat > wood and shrub habitat > reed and swamp habitat > cropland habitat , among which salt field and shrimp pond habitat was 21.4270 / hm2 .

  3. 根据山东省植被特点,将植被分为农作物、乔木林、灌丛、草地、沼泽湿生植物五种主要类型,研究了不同植被类型的土壤重金属环境容量。

    According to the characteristics of vegetation in Shandong Province , Vegetation are divided into five main types : crops , forest trees , shrubs , grassland , meadow and marsh plants , and environmental capacity of heavy metals in soil of different vegetative types were studied .

  4. 有毒植物在亚高山草甸草地中分布最多,有157种,其次是亚高山灌丛草地、高山草甸草地、高山灌丛草地和高寒沼泽化草甸草地。

    These toxic substances most occurred in the plants distributing sub-alpine meadows , which total 157 species and then secondly in the plants distributing in sub - alpine scrub meadow , alpine scrub grassland and cold alpine paludification meadows .