- 【船】timing

By improving the traditional non-uniformity correction method based on BP neural network , the non-uniformity of infrared image is reduced .
The reason why null space occurs in statics estimation using Monte Carlo technique , and the solving method
The factors , such as the off-resonance effect and gradient shape , which affect the quality of the SPIRAL imaging were discussed .
In statics estimation using Monte Carlo technique , there always occurs null space phenomenon , namely equal time shifts for shot-point static correction or receiving-point static correction .
Static correction estimation using Monte Carlo technique has severe limitations , namely time consuming iterations ( above 1000 times ) and good temperature parameter for converging to optimum solution .
The transform presented in this paper removes the dip-affection and is indeed a method of DMO .
In the process of color calibration using tetrahedral interpolation , 3D-LUT created directly by color patch sample is usually not uniform , which contradicts the ICC profile specification and makes it necessary to obtain the uniform profile data by interpolation .
Considering in the calculation of surface radar-based rainfall accumulation within the three hours , a distinct Z-R relationship is required for the different precipitation type , the accuracy on the calibrated radar rainfall estimation raises about 4 % than using single Z-R relation .
The full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the line resource spread function and the peek pixel counts of the line resource were calculated with and without AC.
The selection of vitrinite reflectance at oil-generating peak when correction should be based on measured source rock evolutive section in a basin for different basins or different source rocks have somewhat different vitrinite reflectance .
The specific character of recharge environment and the removal of non-possible solutions should be paid more attention in application of inverse geochemical modeling in the correction of groundwater 14C da-ting .
In remote sensing image geometric rectification , some ground control points ( GCPs ) from topographical map are needed . So the accuracy and coordinates of the rectified images highly depend on the topographical map used .
The calculating method to identify the system parameters is recommended .
Spectrum Line Interaction and Distinguish Method of the Spectrum Interpolation Correction
Final balance may be subject to adjustment-please see back .
Simulation results show that the networked control system output with compensation is similar to the reference output .
In this way , the driver is warned and informed if the tyre pressure needs to be corrected .
When deciding whether or not to apply a code correction , determine how crucial it is to the finished product .
When we conventional static correction for seismic data of mountain area , correction error increases along with the increases of source-detector distance .
Classes and work principles of different photoelectric edge detectors are expatiated , operation processes and precautions when aligning vibratory drum are described .
Conversely , the farther from the equator , the greater the rise in the water tables causing more flooding as the wobble upon Earth is corrected .
In constant phase correction of seismic record , the phase spectrum plus a constant and the instantaneous phase plus the same constant can bring the same result .
The algorithms of real-time calculating system parameters are studied for adaptive current fast-tripping protection of power system . The calculating method to identify the system parameters is recommended .
For practical seismic hazard analysis models , objective uncertainties are often accompanied by subjective uncertainties . So attention should be paid to reduce the influence of subjective uncertainties while making correction to objective uncertainties .
As to the tilt correction , a method using a group of parallel lines to get the tilt angle is used , and then we can correct the lean text lines based on the tilt angle .
But , it is complicated with the hole circumstance and the geological circumstance of a well , all kinds of environmental influence made it complexity , so using the plates and formula to correct the well-logging curves usually can 't get the right answer .
Whichever method is to be taken for checking the metering units , consideration should be given to the agreement between the accuracy of the meter in use and that of the one being proved , which may very a little with the change of environment and time .
The best result is obtained with cosine function of Forman method .
Particularly , it is proved that if DFP or PSB matrix updating formulae are used , then our method will be convergent superlinearly under some conditions .
By altering the timing , damage to the engine may occur !