
  • 网络bullying;school bully;school bullying;campus bullying
  1. 近几年来,校园欺凌行为频繁被媒体报道。

    There have been frequent media reports on school bullying in recent years .

  2. 为遏制校园欺凌,我国教育主管部门近日对此开展专项治理行动。

    China 's education authorities have launched a campaign to curb school bullying .

  3. 此次治理意在遏制发生在中小学学生之间通过肢体、语言以及网络等手段实施的校园欺凌。

    The campaign aims to curb1 school bullying2 in primary and middle schools , including physical and verbal bullying . Cyberspace3 bullying will also be targeted .

  4. 该通知将那些通过肢体、语言及网络实施欺负、侮辱的行为定义为校园欺凌。

    The circular defines bullying as physical or verbal abuse , or abuse online .

  5. 位于首尔九老区的另一家公司针对校园欺凌提出了另一种解决方案。

    Another company in the Guro-gu district of Seoul offers a different solution to school bullying .

  6. 相对于让学校来解决校园欺凌问题,这种服务虽然价格不菲,但效率更高。

    Such services are apparently a pricey but efficient alternative to having schools handle the matter .

  7. 学校还应设立校园欺凌举报热线,涉嫌违法犯罪的,要向公安部门报案。

    They should operate a hotline for reporting bullying and report to police any cases involving crimes .

  8. 奥巴马总统这个月召开了一次白宫会议来商讨预防校园欺凌事件。

    President Obama held a White House conference this month to discuss ways to prevent bullying in school .

  9. 这份指导文件警告称,学校方面必须意识到校园欺凌和校园暴力事件所导致的后果。

    Schools must be aware of the consequences of bullying and violent incidents in schools , the guideline warned .

  10. 此外,官员要对其管辖范围内的严重校园欺凌、暴力事件负责。

    Moreover , officials will be held accountable for serious incidents of bullying or violence in areas under their jurisdiction .

  11. 四川乐山某幼儿园近日在家长中开展了一项关于他们如何应对校园欺凌的调查。

    A kindergarten in Leshan , Sichuan , conducted a survey among parents to find their reaction to campus bullying .

  12. 该通知要求学校完善防范和处理校园欺凌的措施,针对严重事件建立应急处置预案。

    Schools are asked to improve measures for preventing and handling bullying and establish an emergency plan for serious incidents .

  13. 一项调查发现,低年级学生遭遇校园欺凌的频率比高年级学生更高,男生遭遇校园欺凌的程度高于女生。

    Younger students experience school bullying more frequently than older ones , and male students are bullied more than their female peers , a survey found .

  14. 为了让孩子免受校园欺凌,越来越多的韩国父母选择给孩子租个“叔叔”。

    South Korean parents are increasingly turning to " uncle service " providers to make sure their children don 't have to put up with bullying in schools .

  15. 据《中国青年报》报道,在遭受校园欺凌后,近半初中生受害者选择沉默,而不是寻求帮助或是解决方法。

    Nearly half the victims of bullying in junior middle schools choose to stay silent rather than seek help or solutions to the problem , China Youth Daily reported .

  16. 根据调查显示,普通学校学生遭遇的校园欺凌比优质学校学生更多,来自贫困家庭的孩子更可能遭遇校园欺凌。

    Students at ordinary schools experience more bullying than peers at top institutions , and children from impoverished families are more likely to be bullied at school , according to the survey .

  17. 中国人民大学的唐钧在此前接受采访时曾表示,目前对于“校园欺凌”的社会风险评估等级偏低,这就造成了有关方面对此类事件重视不够,从而忽略了监管工作。

    Earlier , Tang Jun of Renmin University of China told reporters that the social risks of school bullying have been underestimated , resulting in inadequate attention to such incidents as well as loose supervision in schools .

  18. 教育部部长陈宝生在两会记者会上表示,教育部正在与其他部门合作,根除有毒塑胶跑道,减少校园欺凌,以保证学生的健康与安全。

    The Ministry of Education is working with other departments to root out toxic synthetic running tracks and reduce bullying on campus to guarantee students ' health and safety , Education Minister Chen Baosheng said at a news conference on the sidelines of the two sessions .

  19. 据《现代教育报》报道,中华女子学院进行的一项关于校园欺凌的研究发现,48.9%的学生被欺负后从未寻求帮助,52.6%的受害者保持沉默是因为怕“在同学面前丢脸”。

    A study on junior middle school bullying conducted by the China Women 's University showed that 48.9 percent of the students never sought help after being bullied , while 52.6 percent attributed their silence to the fear of " losing face among schoolmates , " according to Modern Education News .

  20. 因为在发生校园欺凌事件时,老师、家长、律师和其他校外专家都要约齐了,才能召开特别的学校会议,所以问题通常要拖很久才能得到解决。与此同时,一些专家称,家长自己出手解决校园欺凌问题也不理想。

    Because teachers , parents , lawyers and other outside experts must all coordinate in order to attend special school meetings in cases of alleged bullying , resolutions often take too long . At the same time , some experts claim that parents taking matters into their own hands isn 't ideal either .

  21. 约6%受访学生表示,他们几乎每天都是校园恶霸欺凌的对象。

    About 6 % said they are targeted by bullies on campus almost every day .

  22. 近日传媒广泛报导校园暴力欺凌事件,引起社会人士高度关注。

    Recently , the report of bullying in schools by the media has attracted much public attention .