
  • 网络romantic city;Romantic;City of Romance
  1. RAPOO的精英设计团队来自对时尚敏感的意大利,潮流灵感源自浪漫之都法国。

    The elite design team of RAPOO comes from Italy which is sensitive to the fashion , while the fashion current inspiration comes from the romantic city-French .

  2. 巴黎-在来到法国首都之前,56岁的中国家庭主妇吴淑云,脑中的巴黎就像是老电影里描绘的那样是个浪漫之都,认为自己是会像迷人的公主一样被巴黎帅哥环绕,或许还能携手共赴香奈儿。

    PARIS - Before arriving in the French capital , WuShuyun , a 56-year-old Chinese housewife , imagined Paris to be like a pristinefilm set for a romantic love story , picturing herself as a glamorous princesssurrounded by elegant Parisians , decked out , perhaps , in Chanel . Instead , Wu from Kunming in southwest China ,

  3. 巴黎不仅仅是浪漫之都。

    Paris is so much more than the capital of love .

  4. 情侣们会在浪漫之都巴黎度蜜月,或是庆祝结婚纪念日。

    Many couples visit the city of love on their honeymoon or wedding anniversary .

  5. 它是一座充满现代气息的滨海城市,被称为中国北方的浪漫之都。

    It is a modern , coastal city , regarded as north China 's Romance Capital .

  6. 巴黎一座爱与浪漫之都,因此许多新婚夫妇在这儿度蜜月!

    Paris is the city of love and romance . So many couples come here for a honeymoon !

  7. 此刻,在世界浪漫之都这片洒满月光的沙滩上,她变成了一条美人鱼。

    And here , on the moonlight beach of the romance capital of the world , she becomes a lady barracuda .

  8. 自此,全球极具声誉的奢侈酒店品牌正式进驻浪漫之都大连。

    It marks the entry of the1st InterContinental Hotel of the world renowned luxury brand into the Romance City – Dalian .

  9. 也许听到了这个消息之后,法国人会给你一个不以为然的法式耸肩,但是很遗憾,经过调查,全世界浪漫之都--法国竟然是最容易感到悲伤的国家!

    They 'll probably meet the news with a typically Gallic shrug , but the French are the saddest nation on the planet .

  10. 它产生于19世纪末著名的浪漫之都&法国巴黎,曾经在那一时期的知识界产生很大影响,并对20世纪的美学发展起到一定的推动作用。

    Symbolism appears initially in the end of 19th century in the romance capital & Paris France , ever making a great impact on the intellectual circle in that period of time and giving impetus to the development of aesthetics in 20th century .

  11. 两部浪漫喜剧无疑塑造了西雅图在中国公众心里的形象。因此,可以毫不夸张地说,西雅图被国人视为美国浪漫之都,有几分类似世界对巴黎的看法。

    Two romantic comedy films have irrevocably shaped the image of Xiyatu , as the city is known in Mandarin , among the Chinese public , and as a result it would not be a stretch to say Seattle is seen as the American capital of romance , somewhat akin to how the world perceives Paris .