
  1. 新装修办公室内空气污染的消除试验

    Experimental study on pollutant elimination from indoor air in a new-decorated office

  2. 昨晚这个重新装修的办公室第一次对美国人亮相。

    Americans got their first look at the revamp last night .

  3. 老板放手让装潢设计家装修他的办公室。

    The boss gave the interior decorator a free hand in furnishing his office .

  4. 装修后办公室空气污染物浓度变化分析

    Analysis on air pollutant concentration in decorated office

  5. 以一个新装修的办公室为研究对象,对室内的污染状况进行了检测。

    Detects the contamination status of indoor air .

  6. 本周二晚上,奥巴马总统就可以在他那重新装修的办公室,向全美发表有关伊拉克的讲话了。

    When President Obama addresses the nation on Iraq on Tuesday night , he will do so from newly redecorated digs .

  7. 去年,湖北省一女子在新装修的办公室工作了两年后被诊断为慢性肾功能衰竭。

    Last year , a woman in Hubei Province was diagnosed with chronic renal failure after working in a newly-decorated office for two years .

  8. 鉴于甲方已为乙方提供了空调设备,乙方在进行办公室装修时或办公室使用过程中,不得再安装任何形式的空调设备或取暖装置。

    Since Party A has provided air-condition equipments to Party B , Party B shall not install any other air-conditioner or heating device when decoration or in duration of the office leased .

  9. 同时作为独家装修公司,办公室使用。

    Also suitable as an exclusive decoration company , offices .

  10. 问题5.女:我想重新装修一下我的办公室。

    Question 5 . W : I 'm considering having my office redecorated .

  11. 我装修了爸爸的办公室。

    I decorated dad 's office .