
  • 网络Romance;romance fiction;romance novel;romantic fiction
  1. 卡洛斯·鲁依斯·萨丰这是一部引人入胜的历史悬疑小说,是一部动人心弦的浪漫小说,也是对书籍神秘力量的一种感人的敬意。

    An uncannily absorbing historical mystery , a heart-piercing romance , and a moving homage to the mystical power of books .

  2. 十二岁时埃利斯第一次读艾米莉·勃朗特(EmilyBrontë)的这本哥特式浪漫小说,她立刻身陷其中,欲罢不能,从此每当生日前夕,埃利斯就要重读这本书。

    She was 12 when she first read Emily Bront ë " s gothic romance , and without fail , she 's returned to it annually in the run-up to her birthday .

  3. Eliza的外表,“年龄仅次于简,美貌也是”,就是对于浪漫小说的传统的妥协,而她的吸引力主要是在“智慧和活力”上面。

    Elizabeth 's physical attractiveness ," next to Jane in birth and beauty ", is a genuflection to the accepted conventions of romance , but her appeal lies more in her " wit and vivacity " .

  4. 丽贝卡归来:浪漫小说范式的经典化

    The Return of " Rebecca ": On Canonization of Paradigmatic Romance

  5. 喜欢浪漫小说,速食面和西红柿。

    Romance novels , instant noodles , Nodoz and tomatoes .

  6. 人们说只有那些处于恋爱中的人才读浪漫小说。

    People say only those who is in love read romance stories .

  7. 但愿青年人不要盲从,一厢情愿地去写浪漫小说。

    Let no young people be misled and rush fatally into romance-writing .

  8. 关于荒凉神秘的离奇故事的浪漫小说。

    A romance that deals with desolate and mysterious and grotesque events .

  9. 长篇小说、篇小说和浪漫小说都是小说的一种形式。

    Short stories and romance novels are forms of fiction .

  10. 浪漫小说可使你忘记现实。

    Romantic novels can let you escape from reality .

  11. 你就不能读点比这些无聊的浪漫小说更高尚点的书吗?

    Can 't you read something more elevating than those silly romantic novels ?

  12. 巴巴拉卡特兰是一位浪漫小说作家。

    Barbara Cartland is a writer of romantic fiction .

  13. 浪漫小说和参考书是许多公共图书馆所必备。

    Romantic fiction and reference books are a staple of many public libraries .

  14. 浪漫小说使人们暂时忘记现实。

    Romantic novels orovide an escape from reality .

  15. 浪漫小说已不再能吸引她了。

    Romantic fiction can no longer attract her .

  16. 承继与突围&徐訏40年代浪漫小说风格论

    Inheritance and Breakthrough & on the Style of Xu Xu 's romantic fiction of 1940s

  17. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。

    She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time .

  18. 他逃避到浪漫小说中;他的喝酒问题是一种逃避的形式。

    He escaped into romantic novels ; his alcohol problem was a form of escapism .

  19. 她酷爱肥皂剧、浪漫小说和讲述美好爱情故事的电影。

    She loved soap operas , romance novels and movies with a good love story .

  20. 中国现代浪漫小说的怀乡意识

    Homesickness in Modern Chinese Romantic Novels

  21. 他一直以每周一篇的速度生拼硬凑廉价的浪漫小说。

    He has been grinding out cheap romantic stories at the rate of one a week .

  22. 这部电影是根据一本虚构的浪漫小说拍摄的,实际上根本不需要虚构,因为现实中就有这样的故事。

    The movie is based on a fictional romance novel , but it didn 't have to be .

  23. 但这些如果想写也可以写成一个好的浪漫小说

    which also has all the makings of a great romantic novel If you wanna write that too .

  24. 萨曼莎:在美国报道中,让我们来听听全世界与浪漫小说的相恋吧。

    Samantha : Let 's hear what the worldwide love affair with the romance novel is about , in Dateline USA.

  25. 汉斯克里斯蒂安安徒生与格林兄弟一起被视为十九世纪浪漫小说的主要人物。

    Along with the Brothers Grimm , Hans Christian Andersen is recognized as a key figure in 19th-century romantic fiction .

  26. 她称不上浪漫小说的女英雄,因此带着几分兴趣和好奇心端详着这片宅第及其产业。

    She was no heroine of romance , and therefore looked with some curiosity and interest on the mansion-house and domains .

  27. 在我看来,爱不是白日幻想,不是浪漫小说和美丽童话。

    Love , in my opinion , is not a fantasy experience , not the stuff of romance novels or fairy tales .

  28. 长篇浪漫小说《战争与和平》全书1300多页,素以篇幅长、阅读难度大而闻名。

    With its mix of romance and drama charted over 1300 pages , War and Peace is known for being a long and demanding novel to read .

  29. 但这个由《妇女与家庭》杂志举办的调查结果同时显示,如果一个女人挑了一本书来阅读,这本书一定还是浪漫小说的经典之作《傲慢与偏见》。

    However , today 's survey by Woman & Home magazine found that if women could pick one book it would be the romantic classic Pride and Prejudice .

  30. 你对越南战争的痴迷,再加上你对浪漫小说和吸血鬼神话的喜爱,将会让你写出史上最差的科幻小说。

    Your fascination with the Vietnam War , combined with your love of romance novels and vampire myths , cause you to produce the worst work of fiction ever .